28 - Community Garden

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Yoongi made sure that he was showered and dressed by 10am. Jimin's rut was slowing down and so was Jin's heat, but they both weren't completely finished. He thought he was close enough to the end of his to go out in public again though.

Another wave of Jin's heat hit him and Yoongi had to leave the house, letting Jimin "please his omega." He started walking towards the pack house. He was almost to the door when it opened and Namjoon stepped out.

"Hey good looking!" Yoongi teased and took pleasure in the way Namjoon ducked his head in embarrassment.

"I, um... missed you," Namjoon said shyly. His dimples got Yoongi every time.

"Of course you did!" Yoongi said enthusiastically and Namjoon chuckled. Yoongi grabbed the front of Namjoon's shirt and pulled his mate to him. They shared a quick kiss. Yoongi groaned when he could smell Y/N on his mate.

"You smell like her." He hoped he didn't sound bitter, he didn't mean to be, but his pull to her was feeling raw. Namjoon smirked.

"She slept in the nest last night."

"She slept in the nest last night... with all of you?" Yoongi was trying to stay collected, but on the inside he felt relief and excitement.

"I'll tell you on the way." Namjoon started heading to the guard house.

In the space of just a few days, so many things had changed. Y/N was finally settling in. She was mated with Jungkook and feeling the pull with Hoseok. Fuck, she was sleeping in the nest!

The mating was...different. Namjoon switched to the link as they started encountering more people. Namjoon and Yoongi nodded and greeted them, most of them were members of the guard either leaving after their shift or coming on.

Different how?

She marked him first. When he marked her to seal the bond, she glowed like she did when she healed herself, and the bond connecting was strong enough that Jungkook passed out.

What the fuck? Namjoon looked at him sideways.

And her mark on Jungkook is gold, not silver. Yoongi glanced around nervously. Even though they were talking through the link, his alpha was going into protect mode and evaluating threats.

I've never heard of a gold mark. They were getting close to the guard house, Namjoon stopped and stepped off to the side so they could finish their conversation.

Neither have I. And Y/N said that she has never glowed like that outside of times where she has used her healing abilities. I'm going to spend some time researching it today and hopefully I'll find some answers.

Too bad Alpha Mother is being a crazy bitch, she probably knows exactly what's going on.

Speaking of which, that's who our meeting is with. Namjoon smiled sardonically and started walking towards the guard house again. Yoongi grimaced. Well fuck...

The walls to all the offices were mostly glass windows, but the meeting rooms were more private. As they approached, Yoongi couldn't see in and mentally prepare himself. Namjoon hurried to his office to collect a pile of paperwork before they went in together.

There were two women in there, Hwasa and the Alpha Mother. The elder alpha was seated at the table, but the younger alpha stood at her side. Hwasa always exuded confidence and determination, her shoulders were straight, her posture relaxed but strong. She was wearing a red silk tank top and dark jeans.

Yoongi couldn't help but feel instantly irritated. Logically, he knew she was an excellent alpha and was dedicated to seeing this village thrive, but she rubbed Yoongi the wrong way. They had never got along, clashing from their very first meeting.

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