9- Don't Leave Me

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Jimin's lungs were exploding as he raced desperately to his mate. At the same moment that they heard the scream, Jimin had felt a searing pain across his body. His bond with Y/N wasn't strong yet, so the pain had been brief but the intensity had been terrifying. His body was moving faster than his brain. He wrenched open the door, then he shifted and let his wolf took over.

Now he was running towards her, following their bond, but the way that it was flickering in and out was threatening to overwhelm him. He sensed some of his mates around him, all driven by the same urgency to save their mate.

As they entered the forest, Jimin's ears picked up the sounds of shouting men and the metallic smell of blood filled his nose. Jungkook's wolf overtook him, a black missile in the dark night, Hoseok the opposite, a streak of light with his white coat. Seconds later, Yoongi and Namjoon passed Jimin and closed in behind the other two wolves. Jimin pushed himself to run faster.

Me and Yoongi offense, Jungkook and Hoseok defense, Jimin get Y/N, Namjoon sent quickly through the link right before vicious snarls filled the air. Jimin braced himself for what would start flowing through their mate connection.

Jimin could now see the shadowy monsters he remembered from the other night. His three alphas were already battling them, pressing them back away from a small form on the ground. Jimin skidded to a stop next to her, shifting into his human form. She was covered in so much blood, it was soaking into the soil beneath her. Her torso was torn and ragged, but Jimin couldn't see the extent of the injuries and he didn't have time to do anything but get her out of here.

He scooped her into his arms and stood. Hoseok's wolf next to him snarled and lunged at an attacking wolf. They were like good and evil, white and black, Jimin's only defense. They tussled for a moment, jaws snapping and fur flying before the other wolf knocked Hoseok to the side and charged at Jimin.

The wolf's claws were inches away from Jimin's face when the wolf was suddenly lurched backwards. Jimin watched in awe for a moment as Yoongi's inky wolf bellowed with rage and began to shred the wolf. It cried and struggled, but was no match for the enraged wolf protecting his mates.

Jimin turned away from the gore and began running with Y/N in his arms. He could sense Jungkook and Hoseok right behind him.

I'm bringing Hwasa, Jin sent through the link.

Jin! Come meet me! She's bad! He was so much slower as a human, but there was no way he could get her anywhere in his wolf form. He almost stumbled a few times, but Hoseok and Jungkook's wolves were there to help right him with a little nudge when he started to fall over.

When he burst through the treeline, Jin, Taehyung, and Hwasa were already racing towards them. Jimin's legs gave out, but Jungkook's wolf jumped in front of him to soften the fall. Jimin gasped for breath as he laid Y/N out on the ground with Hoseok's help. Jimin realized for the first time that his shirt and arms were slick with blood.

Hwasa pushed everyone out of the way and fished a pair of scissors from a black bag. Jimin moved to Y/N's head and placed it in his lap, his hands were shaking violently as he brushed her hair out of her face. 

Hwasa cut Y/N's clothes away from her body with quick efficiency. When she peeled it away leaving her torso naked and exposed to the night air. The gore was shocking. Taehyung turned away and vomited. Jimin let out a choked sob. It took him a moment to realize that Hwasa had paused. She was supposed to be helping heal his mate, what the fuck was she doing?

"Her old wounds are gone!" Hwasa snapped back to life and began digging through her kit.

"Why the fuck does that matter?" Jungkook shouted. Hwasa was prepping a syringe, "What the fuck is that?"

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