31- First Bath

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Hoseok hadn't passed out so maybe he was right, maybe by touching your mark while he made his mark, you completed the circuit of energy. But why was that necessary? Why were your mating experiences so different from normal?

"You want to take a bath together?" Your new mate asked. His finger traced his mark on your shoulder as he laid next to you on his side. You ran a hand down his chest. His skin was smooth and warm and you already missed having it against you.

You nodded happily. He lightly kissed you and got up to stretch. You marveled at his lean physique and blushed at your thoughts as your eyes traveled the length of his body.

Come on, little one! His voice in your head was cheerful and unexpected. You giggled at the new connection. He held out a hand to you and pulled you close for a short kiss when you took it. Let's go!

He led you to the bathroom downstairs and had you sit on a towel on the toilet seat as he prepared the bath. He held up a couple different bath salts for you to smell. You choose the one that complimented his scent the best, a subtle citrus scent.

Once the bath was ready, he helped you step in and you settled down together with him behind you. Being surrounded by the warm water made you feel fuzzy and happy. You leaned back against your mate and he kissed your temple.

"Let's wash your hair," He prompted and you just nodded. He helped you slide further down the tub and get your hair wet. You took your time sitting back up, you loved this feeling! You loved the way the water surrounded you, cupped around your ears and whispered into them.

Your hair fell heavily down your back when you finally sat back up. Hoseok pressed kisses into his mark before reaching for one of the bottles along the back wall of the shower.

Hoseok poured shampoo into his palm and turned you slightly so he could start working the shampoo into your hair, "I've never felt connected to anyone before, not like this. It–it feels good. Does it feel better the more mates you have?" His fingers massaged your scalp and then moved the shampoo through the rest of your hair.

"I wouldn't say that it intensifies the feeling, but I feel... more complete, I guess. It's like with every new mate I find a piece of myself that was missing that I didn't know was there before." Hoseok went back to your scalp, and you closed your eyes at the pleasurable sensation of his fingertips working against your skin, "Don't get me wrong, it can be chaotic having so many bonds, but I wouldn't trade it for the world."

You hummed in response, letting your fingers play with the surface of the water.

"You can rinse your hair," Hoseok said gently, rinsing his own hands free of suds. He helped you lean back into the water and you worked your fingers through your hair to get the shampoo out. You stayed there for a moment with your eyes closed, reveling in the way your body felt lighter in the water. You opened your eyes and smiled up at Hoseok as he smiled down at you.

"You like baths?" He asked when you sat up. He wrapped his arms around you and placed his chin on your shoulder. You shivered at his touch. 

"This is my first one," You said quietly, playing with the bubbles bobbing on the top of the water from your hair, "We only had communal showers." Hoseok nodded into your shoulder thoughtfully. In the silence, you took a moment to feel your two bonds. Your bond to Hoseok felt happy and bright. It made you sigh. 

You took a moment to touch Jungkook's and frowned, it made you feel uncomfortable. There was fear and agitation. You shrugged your shoulders and shook your head to try and get rid of the feeling. 

"What's wrong?" Hoseok asked.

"Jungkook," You said by way of explanation, squirming against Hoseok. Now that you were aware the feelings in the bond, it was becoming more and more uncomfortable.

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