68- Home

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You became the compass. Because your pack had nowhere else to go, your birth place became your first destination. Now that you were awake and fully rested, you took up permanent residence in the passenger seat. It made it easier to navigate with the driver, but also, you couldn't get enough of everything you were seeing. This is what you had been longing for since before you could remember. This felt like freedom.

It was surprising how accurate your internal compass was. You were easily able to navigate freeway exits and back roads alike, it was like your omega was looking at a road map and you were just relaying the instructions she gave.

You were currently in the passenger seat as Hanwool drove. Taehyung and Jungkook were in the back seat pretending to be asleep. You didn't know Hanwool hardly at all before this car ride and you felt bold enough to play a version of 20 questions with him. You found out his favorite color was blue gray, he loved to swim, he won competitions for his archery skills, and his favorite fruit was mangos. You had never had a mango and he promised to point them out to you the next time he saw them so you could try one.

The stretch of road that you were currently on was only two lanes and encroached by thick forests on both sides. The road had been like this for several miles, there was nothing out here. You got a strong impression that you needed to go left but when you looked, there was nowhere to turn, there was only forest.

"Um..." You said slowly, "We need to go left." You bit your lip. It was the first time you felt unsure. Himchan was looking left, probably going through the same thought process as you, there was nowhere to turn.

"I'll pull over," He said calmly. The car behind you pulled over as well.

Someone need to use the bathroom? Hoseok sent through the link.

No, we need to turn left, You sent to your pack. Taehyung and Jungkook sat up at that, both taking a look out the window.

"Let's take a look," Hanwool said with a smile and you all got out of the car. Following your lead, the other car got out too.

"We're supposed to go left huh?" Jimin asked in a light tone, pulling you to him and nuzzling your neck.

"It doesn't make sense right?" You asked a little crestfallen. You had been so hopeful, but now you were doubting your compass was even leading you anywhere.

"Not necessarily." Jungkook and Yoongi had started walking up and down the road and now Jungkook was walking into the forest and waving at the rest of you to follow him. As you got closer, you could see what he meant.

He was walking down what could possibly be a very overgrown path big enough for a car. It was covered in tall grass and wildflowers, so it wasn't really accessible by a car anymore, but there were no trees growing, like they had been cleared out years ago. It curved the further it went into the thick forest so you couldn't see where it led.

In your heart, you felt like this was the right place and so you started walking. You felt a strong pull, not the pull that you felt for your mates, something totally different. It was like a strong wind or unseen hands were at your back, pushing you to continue.

"I'll stay with the cars while you check it out," Hanwool suggested.

"We'll be right back," Namjoon nodded his thanks and then your mates followed you into the forest.

The grass was so high it came up almost to your hips. You let your fingers linger and catch the tops of the long green plants against your open palms. The melodic sounds of birds made you feel light and buoyant. Hoseok and Namjoon frequently stopped to ooo and ahh over different plants and flowers, making Jin and Jimin snicker. Jungkook and Taehyung were practically skipping at your sides. You weren't sure if it was because they could feel your excitement or if it was their own excitement.

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