34- You are so different

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I need to get back to the shop. She's ok to stay here, right? Taehyung looked up at him and Namjoon quickly wiped away the frown lines off Tae's face with his thumb and like magic a smile sprung up in its place.

Of course, I should be able to leave here soon and I'll bring her home. Taehyung nodded and entered the room again to say goodbye to Y/N.

"I'll see you later and I'll have all your new clothes!" He kissed her forehead briefly and she smiled shyly. Then Tae approached him, "See you later alpha!" Tae gave him a quick peck, a wink and then he was off, closing the office door behind him.

Namjoon sat heavily in the other chair at the table Y/N was sitting at.

"Would you like a pastry?" She offered, "I kind of took a bite from all of them..." Her smile was sheepish and made Namjoon want to melt into her gray eyes.

"Which one was your least favorite?" He surveyed the box and there were indeed bites from each of them. Namjoon worked hard to keep his smile tucked away, though all he wanted to do was tease this sweet girl.

"Um, they were all good!" She giggled. The sound thrilled him, sending a shock all the way to his toes. If his alpha could purr, it would. "You can have whatever one you want."

Namjoon picked one that was similar to another, so he wouldn't be denying her anything unique. They sat there eating for a minute. Once she finished one, she dusted her fingers and then hovered in the box contemplating which one to pick up next.

"How many have you had?" Namjoon couldn't keep the tease out of his tone. She looked up with wide questioning eyes.

"I don't know. Do you want me to stop eating them?" He blinked in surprise.

"No, not all! You keep eating them if you want. I just don't want you to get sick." He rubbed the back of his neck embarrassed. He smiled to reassure her. She hesitated for another moment before she plucked her target from the box. "You'll stop eating if you start to feel sick, right?" He couldn't stop it from coming out, he was her alpha after all, even if they weren't officially mated.

"You are so different!" Her smile was sad, and he knew immediately what she meant. He was different from the hellhounds that had claimed to be her alphas. She had powdered sugar clinging to her cheek that he wanted to brush off, but he looked down at the half-eaten pastry in his hand instead.

"You can tell me about them if you want to. Sometimes it helps to talk it out," He said it quietly and he hoped he wasn't pressing. She put her pastry back down in the box.

"What do you want to know?"

"It's not about what I want to know, but what you want to tell me, what you want to get off your chest." She was searching his eyes, assessing him. Maybe she was deciding if he was trustworthy. Maybe she was afraid of how he would react. He was a little bit too, the fact that someone had treated his omega poorly made his alpha want to rage, but he didn't want to show her that.

"They were such an enigma. They had kids that they loved and they were very close as mates. They worked perfectly together, even though they were so different. I never saw them argue, not in front of me. Sometimes I was like a pet. I would be in the corner and they would completely forget I was there or sometimes Uri would put me on his lap as they discussed things through the link." She paused and swallowed hard.

"But then other times they would be so cruel!" Tears collected in her eyes, "Jihun would lose his shit about something and take it out on me and the others would just laugh. Seongho wanted to kill me, I saw it in his face all the time. Not because he was mad or anything, just because the idea of killing made him happy." Y/N's eyes were glassy and unfocused.

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