3-Possibility of Fated Mates

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Jimin gasped your name as he caught your weight and carried you to a chair at the table. He fussed over you, but you felt dazed from the aura of the two alphas. The omega bustled over, gently pushing Jimin out of the way.

"I know you can't feel the alphas pull as much, but you should pay more attention to your mate!" The omega gently probed your scent glands with his thumbs to release your own scent, which helped you come out of your daze.

"I'm sorry Jin," Jimin apologized softly. The omega, Jin, tutted good naturedly at him before turning back to you. His chocolate eyes were soft and full with more kindness than you were comfortable with. His sandy brown hair was parted and softly played with his eyebrows.

"How long have you been on your heat, Y/N?" Jin asked gently.

"I should be done soon, I'm so sorry!" Tears immediately pooled in your eyes. Jin shook his head.

"Forgive my alphas, your scent was a little strong for them, especially with Jimin's scent mixing in with it. They forget how strong they are too since I'm the only omega they care for."

You were going to respond, but Jimin was caressing your cheek with his and slowly pressing kisses to your jaw and then neck. You gasped as he lightly bit the flesh of your neck. Jin growled at Jimin who retreated with a pout. You blinked at Jin.

"How do you do that?" You whispered in awe. When Jin looked at you in confusion you got embarrassed, "How do you get them to listen to you when you're an omega?"

"A good alpha or beta listens closely to their omegas, because they are more sensitive to things than we are," Jimin said, looking fondly at Jin. Jin winked at him before standing up straight.

"Are you hungry Y/N?" Jin asked and you nodded. Jimin settled into the chair next to you as Jin began getting you food.

"Jin is also Namjoon's Luna and that comes with its own authority, even over alphas like Yoongi and Jungkook." Namjoon... That was the blond alpha then? The one that had terrified you to your core. You were lost in your thoughts and jumped when Jimin leaned over and pressed his nose to your scent gland.

"Mmmm, let's go to bed mate," His voice was a low rumbling growl that your body automatically responded to. You knew that you rushed mating him and now he expected certain things from you as his mate, but you didn't mate him for companionship and you honestly didn't want it right now. Not when he had three alpha mates just outside these walls for you to worry about.

You lightly pushed against his chest and he whined pressing back against you. He yelped when Jin flicked his forehead.

"I told you to listen to your mate! She's clearly saying no. Weren't you just the one who said a good Beta listens to his Omega?" Jin flicked at Jimin again and Jimin rubbed his forehead. You bowed your head, embarrassed. "Why don't you go take a walk too?"

"No, please don't send me away Jin! Y/N, I'm sorry honey, I'll behave I promise!" Jimin whined low. Jin instantly put his hands in Jimin's hair and began to card through it gently. His red hair reminded you of the red accents on his wolf as he had fought off your old pack on his own.

Remembering last night and his injuries, you immediately scanned his body. The fact that he was up and moving was comforting, he didn't appear to be too bad off. His ethereal face had only faded cuts and bruises.

"I just want to talk with your mate one on one, just for a little bit." Jimin seemed completely under the spell of the Luna's touch and his eyes fluttered closed, "She'll be safe with me beta, go clear your head so you can come back and take proper care of her." Jimin nodded obediently. He kissed your forehead and stood up. He kissed Jin lightly and then left the house.

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