5-Alpha Mother

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Yoongi was distracted as they made their way to the Alpha Mother's house. She was at the center of the village, whereas their pack house was on the outer edge. Their pack house used to be closer to the center, but when Yoongi and Jungkook joined the pack they moved further away from the center for a variety of reasons.

The wolves they passed nodded their heads in respect, for the most part. There were still several wolves that felt the need to challenge Namjoon as the Head Alpha by shooting glares or even some low, almost inaudible growls. Yoongi clenched his jaw and stared straight ahead. He was sure to lose his cool if he acknowledged the wolves that openly defied Namjoon.

He glanced sideways at his Alpha. If Namjoon noticed, he never showed it. He walked tall, his shoulders pulled back and ready to carry the weight of the Village. They didn't deserve him.

Soon enough they were at the Alpha Mother's house. Jungkook was sulking on the porch near the open door, playing with the gaps in the planked wooden porch with the toe of his combat boots. He looked up as Yoongi and Namjoon approached. It filled Yoongi with pride to have such a strong, devastatingly beautiful mate every time he saw Jungkook, even when he was pouting like a child.

"Where's Jin?"

"Snuggling with the betas, why don't you go join them?" Yoongi said shortly, he didn't have time to fight with Jungkook, there were bigger things going on.

"What, am I some fucking errand boy? You send me wherever just to get me out of the way?"

"If we thought you would listen the first time, we wouldn't have to make shit up, now go away."

"Fuck you, Yoongi!" Jungkook brushed past him as he left the porch. Yoongi sighed, he already regretted what he said.

"Kookie," Yoongi turned to him and called after the younger alpha. Jungkook turned around, walking backwards long enough to flip Yoongi off before he continued on the path back to their pack house. He saw the wolves Jungkook passed staring at him, admiring him. A growl erupted from his chest before he could stop it. Jungkook paid no mind, but the wolves ogling him quickly averted their gaze and scattered away from the Beta Alpha.

"You're going to have to apologize," Namjoon chastised.

"Yeah, I know." Yoongi followed Namjoon into the Alpha Mother's home.

If Yoongi was 100% honest with himself, he would admit that he didn't like her home at all. Along with being the previous Head Alpha, she was the best healer. He understood that dry herbs were essential to many of the tonics, potions, and poultices she made, but was it entirely necessary to fill every available surface with the dried plants? The smell of the combined plants was disorienting and disgusting.

Namjoon dodged large bunches of drying plants that hung from the ceiling as they made their way to the kitchen. Yoongi wasn't sure where she took her meals, but it was definitely not at her kitchen table. Jars, bowls and beakers filled the surface. Many of them were half full of disgusting mixtures in various stages of the process. He wondered how the Alpha Mother could keep them straight.

Along two of the walls were cabinets with glass doors and counters right below them. Yoongi came close to some empty glasses that were stacked precariously on the counter right next to the kitchen entrance, he carefully skirted by.

The Alpha Mother was perched on a wooden stool and leaning over the table with thick glasses swaying on the tip of her nose. She glanced up at her visitors, but kept working on her current project.

Her gray hair was pulled back into a bun at the back of her head with random braids of various sizes texturizing the mess. Large chunks of her bun were coming undone and falling into her face. Her gnarled hands tipped her glasses off her face and let them hang around her neck on the attached chain.

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