6- Green, like pine trees

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You woke up with a start to someone knocking at the locked door. You hadn't realized that you had fallen asleep. You sat up in panic. The room was significantly darker than you last remembered. You must have been asleep for several hours. You looked towards the window. The sky was a dusty pink, the last dregs of the sun catching on the top of the trees.

From what you could see from the window, this house was on the edge of some kind of community. It wasn't that far from the tree line. That had made your heart soar, escaping from here wasn't going to be that hard at all. The window opened from the inside, you already tried it, and the forest was right there! All you had to do was wait until everyone in the house was asleep. You sighed, feeling yourself relax.

There was a knock at the door again. Would they leave you alone if you don't answer? You wanted as little contact with these wolves as possible. The doorknob shook as someone tried it. You looked from the door to the window, contemplating your new life. You weren't even sure what to expect, what did you want to do? Garden? Dance? Learn how to sew or hunt? You could literally do whatever you wanted as soon as you were free.

You heard the jingle of keys at the door and a shot of fear jolted through your body. You shuffled until your back hit the headboard. You pulled your knees and the comforter in front of you like a shield.

The lock gave and the door swung inward. Your heart was pounding, who was coming in? The alpha Namjoon? You pushed down your whine and waited.

"Y/N!" The cheery voice made you slump against the headboard in relief. Jimin came in with a beaming smile and a tray of food, the delicious scent instantly made you salivate.

"Hello beautiful! I brought you dinner," He said proudly. As he came all the way into the room, someone followed him in and closed the door behind him. You didn't have time to look at him properly earlier before Jin kicked everyone out.

He was taller than Jimin and moved with an understated elegance that intrigued you. His hair was on the long side, a lighter brown with subtle curls. His smile was welcoming and against your better judgment you felt yourself relax.

"Y/N, this is Taehyung," Jimin gestured to his companion once he placed the tray on your lap, "I hope it's alright that he came in, he just wanted to say hi." You nodded and looked back at Taehyung.

"It's nice to meet you, Y/N!" His voice was low and resonated with your body for some reason, like some sleeping creature briefly stirred under your skin. You didn't understand the feeling and it made you uncomfortable. You wanted him to leave, but you also felt like you would cry if he went.

"Eat up Y/N before it gets cold!" Jimin urged, his eyes disappearing when he smiled. You picked up your fork and began eating. You whimpered at how good it was.

"Jin's a good cook huh?" Taehyung said with a smile and you nodded shyly.

"Can we stay with you while you eat?" Jimin asked hopefully. You didn't have the emotional strength or courage to tell them no, so you nodded again.

Jimin climbed onto the bed and sat next to you against the headboard. He tucked a pillow behind his back so was more comfortably reclined then patted his lap. Taehyung settled himself on his belly between Jimin's legs, wrapping his arms around Jimin's waist and resting his head against Jimin's reclined torso. Their casual and confident affection made your heart ache with want. You blinked your tears away and dug into your food.

"So tell us about yourself, Y/N love," Taehyung's voice made your skin tingle and you shifted to get the feeling to pass.

"There's nothing to tell," You said dismissively. Nothing you wanted to tell anyways.

"What's your favorite color?" You've never been asked that question before and you needed a moment to think. You looked out the window. It was even darker outside, the trees blending into the dark of the night.

"Green, like pine trees," You said quietly, staring at your plate.

"I love green too, it's soothing." His voice drew your gaze to the owner. His wide smile resembles a rectangle or a box, it was rather cute. You blinked in surprise and looked away.

"How old are you?" You swallowed the food in your mouth slowly.

"I- I'm not sure." You shoved more food in your mouth and pretended not to notice the looks they gave each other. 

"What do you like to do for fun?" Your fork shook in your hand and you put it back down, hoping they didn't notice.

"I'm all done," You clenched your fists as you moved them away from the tray. Jimin looked at your plate and cocked his head to the side.

"Are you sure?" There was still food on the plate, but you wanted to be alone again and you weren't very hungry anymore. You nodded and pushed the tray away a little.

"I'll take it back to the kitchen." Taehyung sat up and took the tray away from you. When he smiled at you, you quickly ducked your head. Jimin waited until the door closed behind Taehyung before speaking.

"Jin wanted me to check on your injuries, is that ok?" His fingers gently touched the bottom of your shirt, probably with the intention of pulling it up to check on your wounded side. You pulled away in alarm, jerking the comforter up to your shoulders.

"I'm fine, I cleaned them earlier," You lied. He bit his lower lip and retracted his hand. You didn't miss the hurt in his eyes. The lights in the room flickered briefly, but you were barely paying attention to the lighting, you were more actively trying to avoid looking at Jimin.

"Ok, if you're sure?" You nodded, "Well, do you want me to keep you company for a little while?" His voice was hopeful and you felt like a beast for telling him no.

"I'm feeling tired, I think I'm going to go back to sleep," You gulped. Jimin's smile was wounded as he got up from the bed. The light in the room seemed dimmer, as if it was sucked out of the room with his kind smile. You felt horrible, you felt like you couldn't breathe, you felt guilty about what you were hiding.

"Ok Y/N, but if you need anything at all, just call out for me and I'll come ok?" He waved half heartedly and left the room. You sighed, grateful to be alone again. It was hard being so close to Jimin. Maybe because of the half mating bond that you shared?

The problem was you liked Jimin! He seemed genuine, friendly, and incredibly caring. Being with him, Jin and Taehyung made you think that they might be willing to accept you and help you piece your life back together, but they were mated to three alphas. 

You would never be able to trust an alpha again, they had ruined so much of you already. What Jimin and his mates all had together was also something you could not have. Jin's comment about being fated mates, it just wasn't possible and to entertain the possibility was just going to make it harder to escape. You didn't really want to belong to someone, you've been forced into that before. 

You shut your eyes.

You were being pressed into a concrete floor, a knee was digging painfully into the small of your back. You screamed in pain as a hand grabbed your hair and roughly peeled you up off the floor, knee still pinning you to the floor at your back.

"Who do you belong to?" The harsh words were like lashes to your skin. When your only answer was a whimper, he shook you hard.

"I asked you a question!" He yelled, "Who do you belong to?"

"You alpha, you!" You cried out in desperation. He let your body drop to the floor and removed his knee from your back, choosing to straddle you instead, leaning down towards your ear as his body caged you in.

"That's right Y/N. You belong to me and my mates," His whispers felt vile on your skin as they worked like a curse, settling and sealing in your fate, "Don't you ever run away again! We will always come find you Y/N. That's a promise."


So how is everyone enjoying this one so far? I hope the pacing is ok. I'm trying to keep the suspense up, but not too much. IDK what I'm doing! Haha! Thanks for reading so far!


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