38- Piling Up

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Jimin stared at his inbox grumpily. He had to reply to all of these emails before he could go back to the pack house, but he was not motivated to do so. All he wanted was to be home with his new mate. He glanced over to Yoongi with a pout, but it was wasted on the alpha, he was nose deep in paperwork, probably still reviewing the revised contracts that Jimin had given him earlier.

"Yoo-oon-gii..." His name came out like a complaint.

"You're going to be just fine," Yoongi replied dismissively. Jimin slumped in his chair. He wasn't built for this kind of work. He much preferred being with people, even talking on the phone, but email was harder. He had to think about what he wanted to say a lot more, he had to be a lot more precise and he couldn't rely on his charm through the written word. But there were some conversations Namjoon insisted were captured through email so they had a trail of proof.

"How about I give you a reward after every email you answer?" Yoongi didn't look up from the document as he underlined something and made a note in the margin. Jimin's eyes narrowed, curious despite his better judgment.

"What kind of reward?"

"That's up to you," He looked up, "It could be a kiss after every email or a minute of thigh riding after every five, whatever you want."

"I like that last one," Jimin said as he licked his bottom lip.

"Then get to it," Yoongi chuckled, "And no cheating Minnie!" Jimin crossed his heart and then got to work. Though he wasn't above cheating to get what he wanted, he took this as the motivation it was and answered five emails. He pushed up from his seat as he was pressing send on the fifth email. Then he crossed the room and stood expectantly in front of his alpha.

Yoongi noticed and swiveled his desk chair to face Jimin.

"Give me your thigh," Jimin demanded. He could feel his jeans tightening just a fraction in anticipation.

"You answered five?" Yoongi raised an eyebrow.

"I did." Yoongi pulled up a timer on his phone and Jimin frowned.

"You're really going to time it?"

"I sure am pup, keep it all honest and fair. I'll give you time to get situated first."

Jimin clicked his tongue in protest, but climbed on his alpha's lap nonetheless, straddling one of his thighs. He pressed himself firmly into Yoongi and experimentally rotated his hips. A tiny moan escaped his throat and his eyes fluttered shut.

"Ready?" Yoongi whispered into his ear, making him shiver. He nodded, still keeping his eyes closed, "Alright... go!" And Jimin did. He rocked his cock and ass up and down Yoongi's thigh.

"Oh..." He sighed breathlessly. Yoongi nibbled lightly at his mark on Jimin's neck to add to the pleasurable sensations. Jimin moaned and then blinked in surprise when the timer went off. It had been a whole minute already?

"Damn it!" He cried out, throwing his head back and pouting. Yoongi laughed, it was his happy laugh, the kind that showed off his gummy smile. Huffing, he got off Yoongi's lap and went back to his laptop. He shifted uncomfortably with his inflated cock trying to break free from his jeans. He was going to cum on Yoongi's thigh, he was going to make sure of that.

The next five emails flew by and he was climbing back onto Yoongi, staring hard at his lover this time. Yoongi smirked.

"Ready and...go!" Jimin was more aggressive this time, grinding hard into his partner and moaning loudly. Yoongi never broke his gaze and that made the pleasure more intense. Yoongi's hands went up his shirt to play with his nipples. And then the damn timer went off again!

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