57- Dark Ribbons

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"Can I have one?" She was bouncing on her toes, eyeing the box of pastries on the table. He and Jin had gone out this morning to get them as a surprise for the pack. 

This was the first mating Y/N had after mating with Jin, so when her mark on his neck started buzzing, he didn't understand. But Hoseok did and he had tried to usher Jin home as soon as possible. It just wasn't soon enough... It was a good thing the first thing Jin picked up when he came into the house was a pillow instead of a frying pan or something.

His little mate looked up at him expectantly. She was cleaned up and dressed now, looking up at him with a hopeful pout and Hoseok felt a surge of affection towards her. He picked her up and squeezed all of his affection into her. Her yelp of surprise turned into a loud laugh.

"I swear, it looks like you were trying to eat her!" Jin scolded, sending a glare to Yoongi who just shrugged. Y/N stopped laughing when he picked up the box of pastries and started walking away with it. She wiggled out of Hoseok's grasp and scampered after Jin. He shook his head and grabbed plates. Apparently he couldn't compete with pastries.

Morning, Namjoon wrapped his arms around Hoseok and kissed his temple.

Morning baby! Did you sleep ok? He started pulling mugs down. Namjoon shook his head.

I couldn't sleep with half of you not in the nest. Why did you sleep downstairs? Are you mad at me? Hoseok turned in his arms to face him.

We're not mad at you, baby! Hobi reassured, smoothing the worry wrinkles on the alpha's face. Go sit in the living room and I'll bring you some coffee, ok?

Namjoon nodded and released him. Hoseok got to work making everyone's coffee just the way they liked it, including tea for both Tae and Y/N.

Jin was ushering everyone into the living room and making them take a seat. Hoseok passed out the coffee. Y/N was staring into the box of pastries that Jin had propped open on an ottoman.

"There's only 12," Her brows furrowed as she thought, "So I get 1 and a half?"

"Go ahead and take two honey, I only want one." Normally Hoseok probably would have eaten two, but the bright gratitude on her face was worth a whole box of these pastries.

"Thanks Hobi!" She delicately plucked two pastries from the box and deposited them on her plate. Cradling her plate, she went to sit by Jimin on the couch. Jimin's smile was soft and genuine. He leaned in and kissed her cheek. It made Hoseok weak in the knees with relief to see that Jimin seemed to be ok.

Taehyung was snuggled into Jimin's other side. He looked tired and his face looked puffy, but he was smiling too.

Jungkook was next to survey the box, "I can't believe you got us these!" His wide eyes darted around the box, "Do I get two?" He looked up hopefully. If Jin had any weakness, it was Jungkook.

"Yes, fine, take two and sit back down!"

When everyone was settled in the living room with pastries and coffee, Jin cleared his voice.

"Hobi and I thought we should all check in and see how everyone is feeling after what happened yesterday and after all the other things that have happened lately."

"So that's why we got these?" Jungkook said with his mouth full of pastry. Y/N giggled at the young alpha and licked a patch of powdered sugar off her top lip.

"I feel fine, by the way, so if you guys are worried about how I'm feeling, you can rest assured that I'm good as new," Jimin was playing with Y/N's hair to distract himself from looking at any of his mates.

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