49- Fate

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Jungkook watched from the deck as Yoongi and Y/N practiced on the grass in front of the pack house. Yoongi encouraged Y/N to spend time in the sun for a few hours before he started working with her on her new gift. Jungkook had been helping them until just a few minutes ago, testing to confirm that the golden shockwave didn't affect him but did affect Yoongi. After that was established, Jungkook wasn't of much use anymore.

Yoongi was now testing how far the shockwave went and the force of the impacts. He was trying to coax her into going as hard as she could. She was reluctant at first, but Yoongi's gummy smile could win anyone over.

She was tired, he could tell. Droplets of sweat collected on her skin, giving her a beautiful glow in the sunlight. He couldn't stop watching the decisive smile on her face, the competitive slant in her eyes. This was not the same woman Jimin rescued just weeks ago. Did a drug really suppress all of this energy? Maybe being free from the hellhounds played a huge role too.

She wasn't good about controlling her emotions through the bond yet, so her giddiness was flowing along it unrestrained. He liked knowing how she was feeling, her happiness especially felt like a drug.

"She seems happy," Jin commented, bare feet padding on the deck.

"She is," Jungkook nodded. Jin knelt down behind him. His arms threaded around Jungkook's chest and his nose settled into Jungkook's neck. Where Y/N let everything flow through the bond, Jin mostly held back, unless he was angry at you, then he let you have the full blast. Right now he could only sense a sliver of Jin's emotions, a tiny throbbing pain that could easily be overlooked if Jungkook wasn't looking specifically for it.

"Are you ok, Luna?" Jungkook wasn't as good at using his influence to help his mates as Yoongi and Namjoon, but he did what he could. Jin sighed into his neck and then pressed his lips to it.

"I'll be ok Kookie, don't worry about me." Jungkook wasn't having it, he turned away from his other two mates to face Jin. Jin's eyes were wide as Jungkook pulled him forcefully into his lap. He pulled Jin close, he could feel the Luna's racing heart and irregular breathing. He touched the warm skin of his mate's cheek.

"What is upsetting you the most right now?" Jungkook searched Jin's eyes. It was hard to believe he had only known this man for two years now, most times it felt like his life before this pack had never even existed.

"I feel guilty," Jin swallowed hard, "If I hadn't insisted on staying here when I mated with Namjoon and Jimin, then none of this would have happened..." Jungkook let that hang there for a moment. He ran a hand soothingly up and down Jin's thigh.

"You're right, none of this would never have happened," Jin's eyebrows furrowed in pain, "You never would have met me." Tears slipped down Jin's cheeks as he closed his eyes and let out a shaky breath, "You never would have met Yoongi or Hoseok or Taehyung and we would not have rescued Y/N." Jungkook brushed his tears away with his thumb.

"I don't see what you should feel guilty about," He whispered as he leaned in and kissed his Luna. Jungkook loved Jin's pouty lips, the way he hummed in satisfaction every few seconds as they kissed. The way he was so gentle, even if his mates were being rough. Jungkook slipped his tongue in Jin's mouth, coaxing Jin's tongue into action. Jin hummed again and it made him groan. Fuck! He loved this man!

He never thought it would be possible to love so many different people so completely, but he did and he knew that losing even one of them would tear apart his world. He would not lose Jin, not ever!

It was a perfect tinkling giggle that broke them apart. The sound was like pure bottled joy escaping. Jungkook and Jin looked up to see Yoongi and Y/N hand in hand only a few feet from them. Y/N covered her mouth with her free hand to contain the escaping giggle. Yoongi was staring at them like he wasn't impressed.

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