59- Bound for Life

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Jin was still stroking your hair, but you were only dimly aware of that. You were more focused on the way Namjoon was dominating Jimin. The beta's body shuddered in the alpha's hold and you felt a pulse of need between your legs. Namjoon guided the beta to Yoongi. Yoongi's grin as he wrapped his arms around Jimin made you shiver in anticipation. Was Namjoon going to mate you tonight?

You really hoped he was, the pull was almost as bad as your heats were and you wanted relief. You got off of Jin's lap and kneeled on the couch. Namjoon was looking down at you, jaw set and eyes hazy with lust. The pull prickled under your skin, digging into your muscles and making them ache.

"Please help me, Namjoon," You whimpered and bowed your head out of respect for him. You had felt the pull for five of them, Namjoon made the sixth. This was by far the most painful pull you have felt yet. For your other mates, you had been uncomfortable occasionally, but it felt mostly like an itch that you could ignore when you needed to.

With Namjoon, if he was not touching you, it felt like fish hooks were lodged in your flesh and you were being reeled in to him.

The warmth and weight of his hand on your head made you sigh in relief. He ran his hand down the back of your head and part of your back, the kind of thing you would do to a dog you were fond of. It made you feel safe and protected.

"Y/N, honey, you've already mated once today, maybe we should wait until tomorrow," Namjoon said gently. You choked on a whimper and shook your head quickly.

"Please don't make me wait, it hurts so bad!" You reached forward and grabbed his shirt. When you looked up at him, his eyes were as soft as the caresses he was placing on your cheeks. You nuzzled your face into his hand.

"Alright baby, come here." He held his arms open and you scrambled to get into them. He lifted you up by your thighs and you buried into his neck with gratitude. Already, being this close to him was easing your pain.

"Up to the nest?" Yoongi asked. He still had Jimin in his arms. The beta's eyes fluttered when Yoongi sucked on his earlobe. You moaned and clung tighter to Namjoon.

"Up to the nest," He replied, leading the way. As Namjoon carried you upstairs, you began hearing noises that you were familiar with. You turned to look over your shoulder and moaned at what you saw. Taehyung was naked on his hands and knees with Hoseok behind him and Jungkook in front of him, both naked as well.

Hoseok was groaning as he thrust into Taehyung, jolting him forward on Jungkook's cock that was buried deep in his throat. You felt a pulse of pleasure as Hoseok's and Jungkook's groans mixed. Taehyung's moans were throaty and muffled but they were low and sent a thrill up your spine.

Hoseok noticed you were all coming up and he stopped his thrusts but still remained balls deep in his mate. You suddenly wished you were Taehyung.

"What's going on?" The beta asked. Taehyung made a slurping sound as he released Jungkook, the sound slid into your ears and pooled low in your belly. He wiped his chin as he looked back at the crowd now coming into the nest.

"We're going to mate." Namjoon lowered you to your feet, but kept an arm around you, holding you possessively. Jungkook licked his lips and brushed his hair back with his tattooed hand while his other hand stroked his length, still wet with Taehyung's saliva.

"A little soon isn't it?" Jungkook smirked at Namjoon. You wondered if he was referring to how long Namjoon made him wait to mate you. You knew Jungkook's body better than anyone else's, not just because you mated him first and consequently had more opportunities to explore your sexual relationship, he was also your most consistent shower buddy.

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