52- Vision of the Future

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You were walking on a path. Tall trees were on either side and the sun was peeking through the gaps, settling on your face like a welcoming kiss. Wildflowers grew in patches, clustering and spreading through the lush undergrowth. Perky chirps of happy birds filtered through the sunlight.

Little fingers squeezed yours. You looked down at a little red headed boy standing next to you, holding as many of your fingers as his tiny fingers could wrap around. He was maybe 2-3 years old. A kind of love that you had never experienced before was radiating from your chest. His eyes were wide and trusting, full of untainted innocence.

The path took a bend to the left and opened up into a large clearing. There was a garden on the left side of the clearing full of sprouting peppers, bushes of raspberries, tall plants burdened by shiny red tomatoes and other fruits and vegetables. There were several houses popping out of grass like wildflowers. The biggest house looked a lot like the pack house, just bigger.

Your toes touched luscious green grass and the little boy next to you giggled happily. He let go of your fingers and ran to a man with his arms outstretched. You realized it was Jimin. He scooped up the little boy and spun him around, both of them giggling.

They were all there. Hoseok was stretching in the garden, Jungkook and Yoongi were playing with a little girl, her dark curls bouncing as Jungkook danced her around Yoongi, Namjoon and Jin were both on the porch, rocking bundles in their arms. Taehyung was talking with a man that you didn't recognize, but when his eyes met yours, he came running over to you.

Your mark on his neck glowed gold. He opened up his mouth to speak.


You jolted awake, your dream fading away like dispersed smoke. You felt disoriented, unsure of what was going on and where you were. Jin was hovering over you, he looked upset. His face was pinched with worry as stared down at you.

"Are you ok?" You felt a hand on your cheek, a thumb rubbing your cheekbone. Your head felt heavy, but it didn't hurt. You did a quick check of your body, your fingers flexed against the faux fur throw, your naked body warmly nestled into it. You wiggled your toes, took in a couple breaths, but everything felt fine. If anything, you felt good, really good!

"I'm fine," You reassured. With a little, barely audible whine, Jin gathered you into his arms and pulled you up into a seated position, straddling his lap. You wrapped your arms and legs around him. It was clear he was seeking comfort, but you didn't know what for.

You noticed then that the rest of the pack was spread out around the two of you, similar looks of concern on their faces. You stopped on Jungkook's face.

"What happened?" He opened up his mouth to speak, but Yoongi answered.

"You passed out after Jin marked you." Jin squeezed you tighter.

"How long was I out?"

"Only a couple of minutes," Jin mumbled against your skin. You rubbed his bare back soothingly. You could feel the steady thrum of your bond. You loved that feeling, when the pull became the bond and your connection to your mate solidified.

Jin? You sent experimentally through the link. He pulled away from your neck and pulled you into a kiss.

Are you sure you're ok? I was so scared! You ran your hand through his hair as he continued to kiss you.

I'm just fine Jinnie! He ended your kiss with a shaky exhale. You touched your gold mark on his neck. He was yours now, just like Jungkook, Jimin and Hoseok. You closed your eyes and experimentally reached out to them, feeling each of your bonds to them. You imagined wrapping your hands around them, glowing, flickering ropes attaching you to them. You gave a sharp tug.

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