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The village guardhouse was within sight, but Mireu and his mates stayed in the shadows and waited for Jihun's signal. Mireu had a feeling Jihun was waiting for Seongho to finish playing with the bird in his hand. Mireu didn't mind the violence, he would be mated with the wrong pack if he did, but he rarely participated.

Jihun was taking long angry drags of his cigarette, flicking the end more frequently then he needed to. Jihun was excellent at wearing masks, presenting himself just as he intended, but he never wore masks around his mates. The swirling rage that always seemed to be skin deep with Jihun was what fueled them and united them, it was more consuming and binding then love or affection.

Uri was crouching near a tree, deep in thought. It was a common state for him. Uri was often planning. It could be what territories to raid next, how to test Y/N's limits, or exploring new resources and allies. Right now he was probably completely focused on Y/N. Mireu wanted to be angry at him for that, but he couldn't bring himself to. He knew Uri was hurting from the loss of their mate Gaeul just like the rest of them and it was hard to let go of things.

Mireu liked things a certain way and hated when things strayed too far from normal. Gaeul's death was throwing him off, disrupting his harmony. He was bonded to all of his mates, but Gaeul is the mate that he had been closest to. Gaeul was impulsive, passionate, and he pushed Mireu to his limits in bad and good ways.

The hole his death created was gaping and raw, so Mireu was starting to pack it with all the extra rage that seemed to flow through him with abundance. He knew Uri was fond of the omega, but Mireu had the urge to act on Gaeul's behalf with the same violence he would use. Mireu wanted to spill her out on the ground, let the earth soak up her life. He wanted her gone and it seemed fair, a life for a life.

He watched impassionately as Seongho discarded the bird and wiped his hands clean on his jeans, they were dark and hid the blood. Mireu looked down at the twisted bird and wished it was Y/N, he knew Seongho did too.

"Let's go get the bitch back," Jihun sneered, flicking his cigarette away. When Mireu didn't immediately follow, gaze still on the dead bird, Seongho threw his arm around Mireu's shoulders and pulled him into his side.

"We'll get our revenge soon enough, little mate," He said with a harsh giddiness. Mireu locked in on that, letting the feeling leech into him. Soon he would be watching Seongho rip Y/N to pieces. They couldn't kill her, but making her suffer soothed him. With a lighter step, he followed his mates to the guardhouse.

Namjoon was in a deep reverie when there was a knock at his door. He had lost track of time. Various books were spread all over his desk, all of them opened to random pages. Sheepishly he looked up to see Himchan cautiously opening the door.

"Alpha? Someone's requesting a meeting with you," He said with a slight bow. Someone requesting a meeting? He wasn't expecting anyone.

"Alright, I'm on my way," Namjoon responded. Himchan bowed again and left the room. Their village had only one road in and out, the rest was surrounded by trees and patrolled daily. Because they were not a trading post, it was atypical to have any outsiders in their village. Everyone came in through the road and waited to be admitted by the Head Alpha, Yoongi as Head Beta, or Hanwool as Head of the Guard.

They had rooms that their visitors could wait in and Namjoon headed there. He waved to the guards in the breakroom as he passed and they called greetings to him. Himchan was waiting for Namjoon as he entered the office area where reports were written up, plans were documented, and contracts were drafted. The wolves in this area quietly acknowledged his presence, but kept working in studious silence.

"I put them in the private room, Alpha," Himchan explained. Namjoon nodded and made his way to it. He continued to greet several members of the Guard who were preparing to go out on patrol and several asked after their Luna. The village may not like him, but he and Yoongi had worked hard to gain the trust of the Guard.

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