50- You Never Asked

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Jin was still tidying the nest when you came stumbling up the stairs in your hast to join him. The nest had a neutral color scheme, tans, browns and splashes of green and white. You watched the care he took in fluffing the pillows and arranging the blankets. He brought each of them to his nose and some he tossed off the bed, while some he kept.

"Your nest is beautiful," You complimented, it was something you had wanted to say the moment you first saw the nest. You felt a bit nervous talking to Jin about the nest, you knew omegas were particular about their nests, but Jin being a Luna made you worry even more. You wanted to be involved in the nest, the omega in you wanted to participate, but would a Luna let you?

"Finally, someone who gets it!" Jin's eyes crinkled as he laughed. His laugh was a little odd, but in the sort of way that buoyed you up and made you want to join in, "Come help me finish!" Jin patted the bed next to him.

"Really?" The hope in your voice was embarrassing, but this was better than anything you could have expected.

"Of course, honey! It's your nest too." You scrambled onto the bed and kneeled eagerly in front of him, ready for instruction.

"So, what are you smelling for?" He held up a blanket for you.

"Let's see if you can tell."

You took the blanket from him and brought it to your nose. It smelled delicious. Jin's fresh scent, Jungkook's musky sweet scent, the citrus scent of Hoseok, the lushy green of Jimin, Namjoon's sharp pine scent, Yoongi's rich oolong scent, and Taehyung's spring floral scent. You took another deep breath, your scent was in there too. Your scent mixed with all of theirs was almost enough to give you goosebumps.

"It smells really good," You said with a slight blush. The sudden sense of belonging in you was almost overwhelming, even more so when Yoongi had claimed your mark placement was fate. Your scent mixed in with theirs felt more real than that. Jin reached over and grabbed one of the blankets he tossed to the floor. You brought it to your nose, but almost immediately pulled it away. Compared to the other one, it smelled wrong. Some of their scents were too strong, while some were missing entirely.

"It smells wrong." You threw the blanket on the floor. Jin nodded.

"That's how I know it's time to wash it, when the scents aren't balanced anymore. Want to help me finish the rest of the nest?"

It was amazing how many blankets, pillows, and sheets were in the nest. Way more than was necessary, but the vast quantity was what gave the nest its charm.

"It's almost impossible to keep the nest in good condition when you are the only omega, they'll literally walk all over it if you don't lay down the law!" Jin shook his head playfully as he threw another blanket out of the nest.

"There was a time right after Hobi and Tae came here, they all wouldn't listen to me about the rules of the nest. It was as if they thought they outnumbered me and they thought my omega was just being too picky," Jin scoffed, "So I kicked them out. All six of them crammed downstairs for over a week. You bet your ass they never questioned me again!"

Jin laughed again and this time you laughed with him. Jin was beautiful, you thought that all the time, but when he was happy, it was a different kind of beauty. His over the top facial expressions made you giddy and the way his whole face displayed his happiness when he laughed, was adorable.

You were relatively short and small compared to the other members of your pack, it was pretty typical for omegas. But Jin was tall and slender, with wide shoulders that were not typical of an omega. He was feisty too, eager to fight back when he needed to, and he didn't bow down to the alphas. You found yourself wanting to be like him, be strong like him.

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