63- Revenge

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Your head was pounding, that was the first thing that you noticed. The next thing you noticed was how empty you felt. You didn't understand it at first. You shook your head to clear the fog and slowly peeled up your eyelids. A dusty, decaying warehouse stretched in front of you.

You went to press your hands to your temples, but discovered that they were tied together. Your back was against a large industrial shelving unit and your hands were tied around one the metal legs.

The scent of decay that you had attributed to the warehouse, was actually coming from something very specific. There was an air mattress about 15 feet in front of you. Laid out on it was a dirt coated, decaying body. Your stomach turned violently and you gagged.

In your dream, they had excavated the corpse of their dead mate, Gaeul. You knew for sure that must be him. If that part of your dream came true, it meant that there was a high possibility that the rest of your dream would come true. The thought of Taehyung in a pool of blood was like placing a clamp on your heart and jolting it with electricity. You searched wildly for your mate.

You didn't have to look far, he was tied up just like you to the posts of the shelf next to yours. His head was bowed but he was moaning, he was alive. You sighed in relief.

"Taehyung, are you alright?" You asked him, trying to move as close to him as you could, which wasn't much. He was sitting only feet from you but you couldn't feel your bond to him.

That's when you realized you couldn't feel the bond with anyone. You felt panic rise in your chest. That was why you felt so empty, you had taken your thrumming bonds for granted and now that they were gone you felt like a husk of yourself. How were they gone?

"Y/N, I can't feel them!" He whispered urgently, looking up at you with watery eyes. He must have noticed the same thing you did.

"It's going to be alright Tae –"

There was a grating sound behind you that made you freeze. It sounded like a door protesting as it was opened. You tried to look behind you but it just looked like a dark maze of the same industrial shelves that you both were currently tied to. Your heart thumped wildly in the silence that followed the door opening.

Then the sound of metal on metal filled the air, a high pitched screeching sound, as if someone was running the blade of a knife against the metal of one of these shelves. You could hear them now, the sound of slow, methodic footsteps coming closer.

"Oh Y/N!" Your name echoed through the warehouse in an eerie sing-song tone. That was the voice that haunted your nightmares, the voice that awoke a deep  primal fear inside you. "Come out, come out baby bird!" Each syllable sat like a block of ice in each of your vertebrae. You were petrified. You looked over at Taehyung and you could tell he felt the same way.

"Well here you are!" Uri said happily as if he didn't know exactly where you were. His footsteps were right behind you, but you couldn't bring yourself to look, not even when he was right next you. Frozen wasn't vast enough for the feeling, it was as if every joint was wired in place and every sound he made tightened the clawing, suffocating sensation.

He tutted in disapproval as he crouched down to straddle you. You couldn't avoid his gaze anymore.

He settled his weight on your legs, pinning them to the floor. He lifted a chunk of hair from your shoulder and lifted it to his nose to smell, his groan of pleasure almost made you gag. It sickened you to find that he looked happy. 

If you were honest with yourself, you had to admit that Uri had a natural beauty, more so than his mates. His long lashes feathered against the angular planes of his cheeks. His long dark fell over his shoulders as he leaned in, pressing his nose into your temple. His lips were wet with his saliva as he pressed them to your skin. His mahogany scent was disgustingly strong. You forced yourself not to scream.

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