4- Mating Pull

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Jin took a moment to compose himself. That had been his first interaction with his new mate and she didn't even realize that they were mates. She didn't feel the pull for any of them, that was disconcerting and even worse she had mated Jimin out of fear. That was going to be hard for him to hear. There were a lot of things he needed to talk with Namjoon and Yoongi about before anything filtered down to the rest of the pack.

Jin crossed the kitchen to the front door and opened it. Jimin was anxiously standing just a few feet away, he bounced into action. Jin stopped him when he tried to pass.

"She's resting, leave her be," Jin said gently.

"I won't do anything, I promise! I just want to be with her!" Jimin pleaded. Jin knew the feeling, the need to be with your new mate, it was intense, almost all consuming. He hated that he couldn't let Jimin be with their mate.

"Leave her be for now honey, she's feeling overwhelmed and wants to be left alone." Jimin's confusion and hurt started to leak through the bond. The lights in the pack house flickered briefly and Jin sighed internally.

"Is she ok?" He asked in a small voice. Jin pulled him close and tucked him into his side.

"She's going to be fine, Minnie. Just give her some time." Jimin nodded and Jin gently stroked his hair. He clung to Jin as the others started filtering through. Hoseok and Taehyung came in together and tensed when they sensed Jimin's change in mood. They started fussing over him.

"Minnie, what's going on?" Tae said with a pout, tugging on his mate's fingers, almost coaxing out a smile from his target. When Namjoon stepped up to the door, Jin knew it was time to hand Jimin over to someone else.

"Tae, Hobi will you take Jimin with you? I think he needs a cuddle, don't you bud?" The two wolves moved off with Jimin in between them, each comforting him in their own way. Maybe he had been staring after them for too long, because Namjoon prompted his attention by clearing his throat.

Namjoon was still in the doorway. He hadn't come in, Y/N's smell was probably too strong for the alphas. Jin still needed to give her suppressants and they would take at least an hour or two for them to take effect. Jin followed Namjoon outside, closing the door behind him. Yoongi and Jungkook were about twenty feet away. Jungkook was kicking a patch of dirt in agitation while Yoongi watched him impassively.

"Fuck, I can smell her on you!" Jungkook growled in frustration as Jin approached.

"She thinks her heat is almost done, I'm going to give her some suppressants." Jin said sympathetically. He knew it was a lot harder for an alpha to resist an omega in heat than betas or omegas.

"Who were the wolves?" Yoongi asked. Always one to get to the point.

"Her pack." Jin was almost knocked back the intense spike of anger from the alphas, "Chill the fuck out, it's too much!"

"Sorry, Luna," The three apologized quietly. The overwhelming feeling of anger settled and Jin took a deep breath.

"For fuck's sake, it's like you forget I'm an omega, you can't just do that! Be as angry as you want but keep it to yourself! She's even more sensitive than I am. If you don't shape up, the three of you will need to take blockers!"

"Ok, we get it, we'll be more careful," Yoongi interrupted, "Now what about this other pack?" Jin huffed at being interrupted, but let it go for now. He could be extra sensitive, he tended to be that way right before his heat which was due any day now, still it was rude!

"She was linked, not mated and she broke the links when she left." The group around him collectively eased. Jin wished he could leave it at that, he knew they were going to freak out when Jin told them the rest. "Look, there's more and I need you to not freak out, I can't take your disgusting smell when you're angry!"

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