51- Your Luna

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The air felt charged with sexual excitement. You could feel it from the men you had already mated, you could see it in the room. It made you think they did this kind of thing often. Hoseok had said that they were all voyeurs, was this the kind of thing he was talking about?

Namjoon gripped Jin's jaw firmly. The tension built as the pack alpha and pack Luna stared each other down.

"You can be so aggravating, Luna." Namjoon's other hand trailed down Jin's front, resting on his belly. Jin smirked and Namjoon jerked him closer. You were grateful that Jin had taken the time to explain to you that he wasn't being hurt, it helped to ease your anxiety about Namjoon's rough treatment of the omega and you had a feeling it was just getting started.

"Taehyung, undress him," Namjoon said as he released Jin. The beta jumped to his feet as Namjoon walked away to a closet. The closet almost blended into the wall, as if it was pretending not to be there.

When Namjoon opened it up, you could see several shelves, each of them had a different colored fur throw. Namjoon took his time selecting the right one. He pulled out one that looked a lot like the coat of Jin's wolf.

"You'll get one of your own, Y/N," Yoongi whispered suggestively in your ear. He really needed to stop doing that, the way that your body was reacting to his voice was almost embarrassing. "It's not real fur, but Namjoon will have one custom made to match your wolf." Your inner wolf tensed in pleasure, making you clench, "And he is the only one other than you that will touch it. It will smell of just you and Namjoon."

Taehyung was taking his time undressing the omega. Their exchanged kisses were full of smiles and barely restrained laughter. It was cute and warmed your heart. Once Jin's shirt was off, Taehyung wrapped his arms around Jin and entangled him in a passionate kiss. Jin's hands were in his hair, tugging as he moaned into the beta's mouth.

"Taehyung," Namjoon chided, Jin's throw over one arm. The beta released Jin with an exaggerated sigh that made Jin giggle. Taehyung winked and then began kissing his way down the chest of his Luna. He got on his knees and kissed a line from Jin's bellybutton to the hem of his pants as he undid the button and unzipped them. He helped slide them down and then steadied Jin as he climbed out of them and threw them to the side.

Jin was left in just his underwear, his erection pressing hard against the fabric. He was beautiful, not as muscular like your other mates. He was made up of more gentle curves than sharp angles, typical of omegas. His skin was the color of the creamy coffee, more milk than coffee, like what most of them drank in the morning. You found yourself itching to touch those curves, trace the path Taehyung was making up his thighs.

When Taehyung began sucking his cock through the fabric, Jin threw back his head and moaned. The wicked grin on Taehyung's face was downright sinful. There were collective growls around the room, including behind you from Yoongi. The sound made the hairs on the back of your neck stand up.

Taehyung started pulling off Jin's underwear. Once his underwear was thrown to the side, Taehyung began kissing up the shaft of Jin's curved cock. Jin looked down at him with lust and adoration. He brushed back the hair on Taehyung's forehead. The beta opened his mouth and sucked in the tip of his cock, making Jin sigh.

"Enough Tae," Namjoon said gently and Taehyung retreated. As Namjoon spread Jin's throw on the ground, Jungkook pulled the beta into his lap. You looked over to Jimin and Hoseok, they were both focused on Jin. You could both smell and feel their arousal, strong and heavy in the air. 

You looked nervously back at Yoongi. He pecked your lips, but made no other advances, instead he turned you back to Namjoon and Jin.

The two were standing close, Namjoon's hand was wrapped around Jin's cock, pressing his thumb into the slit at the top.

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