8- Hellhounds

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Hello all! Just a quick note before this chapter. This story will have instances of violence and abuse, including this chapter. If that is upsetting to you, read with care. I won't have warnings from here on out. Enjoy!


The timing had been perfect. The wolves were having some kind of pack meeting and were all occupied. They were talking about you, but you weren't really paying attention, you were preparing to leave. You removed all your bandages, you didn't need those anymore. You got dressed fully and then waited by the window for a moment when you thought everyone would be distracted.

Several of the wolves started growling and there were a few 'calm downs'. You slid open the window and carefully climbed out. The moment you hit the ground you shifted and ran straight towards the treeline. Once the forest enveloped you, you huffed in relief. The shiver of pleasure at being free made you shake your coat.

You took one last look at the house. You hoped Jimin would forget you soon and forgive you for using him. Then you turned away and slunk deeper into the dark forest.

It was hard to tell which way to go. You weren't familiar with the area and you had no idea which direction would take you further away from Jimin's pack and away from your old pack. Maybe it would be smart to live as a wolf for a little while, get as far away as possible before looking for somewhere new to settle down in your human form.

This was the furthest you had ever come in your escape attempts. Your focus had always been to get out and you hadn't really planned what to do once that happened. But you had time, you had all the time in the world to build your future.

No alphas using you, no more mind games, no more physical attacks to draw out your inner gifts, none of that! Wherever you went next, they wouldn't know what you could do. You happily trotted down a path of your own creation.

A dark laugh suddenly echoed around you and you froze in a defensive stance. Twenty or so feet in front of you a man stepped out from behind a tree. Even though he was now in the open, very little light filtered through to illuminate him, but you didn't need the light. You knew him intimately.

"Oh Y/N," His tone was teasing, pretending to be disappointed when really he was thrilled. How had you not smelled him or sensed his presence? More importantly, where were the four other alphas?

The fur on your back began to bristle as you slowly began to scan the area for danger. You couldn't sense anyone, not even the man right in front of you. You couldn't smell him at all and that sent a sliver of fear through you. They had obviously been tracking you and you hadn't even noticed.

There was a rush of movement to your right. Before you had time to respond, a giant wolf knocked you to the ground. You yelped as another wolf came up from the left, gripped the scruff of your neck in their jaws, and shook you violently before tossing you back to the ground. You whimpered and cowered as the wolves pressed in on you from all sides.

"Y/N, I'm so disappointed in you." You lifted your head and watched Jihun glide towards you. Jihun, your Pack Alpha. He was tall, but not extremely built. His human form was average in a lot of ways. You supposed that some considered him handsome, he had dark piercing eyes and a disarming smile. The same smile he was giving you now, just twisted and malicious.

"I want you to shift back, Y/N," He said quietly when he reached you. You whimpered again as he used his alpha's influence to compel your compliance, "Do it Y/N, stop making me wait!" Another nudge from him and your omega had no choice but to obey. You shifted back into your human form.

You were terrified as you knelt on the forest floor, the bits of twig and small rocks dug into your knees painfully. Slowly, one by one, the alphas around you shifted into their human forms. Jihun, Mireu, Seongho, Uri, and Gaeul, your five tormentors surrounding you once again. Their menacing chuckles made you cringe.

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