16- Assets

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Yoongi hadn't slept great, he kept waking up wondering if Y/N was safe, if Hoseok would be able to tell she was leaving. He couldn't resist the urge to get up every few hours and check to make sure she was still in the house. Namjoon wasn't much better, even Jungkook was fidgety in his sleep, only calming down when eventually half way through the night, Jin pulled Jungkook to his chest and held him close.

But all Yoongi could think about was Y/N. It was her scent that finally pulled him from his morning doze. Her scent was like the essence of spring, a hopeful dewey floral scent. Sometimes he found it so strange that a girl so sad would have such a hopeful, invigorating scent.

He didn't bother to fish out a shirt before he searched out his mate. The wood steps nipped at his bare feet, but he ignored the sensation. When he reached the ground floor he spotted Taehyung right away.

Y/N? He slurred through the link. Taehyung jutted his chin towards the living room and Yoongi lazily turned to look that way. His young mate was burrowed underneath a blanket, blinking her innocent eyes at him. He grunted, his lust surging straight to dick. He turned away from Y/N to focus on the mate he could have.

When Yoongi reached Tae, he was bouncing a tea bag against the surface of what had to be tea. He moved up right behind Tae, partially trapping him against the counter. Yoongi let his hands trail down his sides to his firm ass, squeezing hard when his hands reached their destination. Taehyung jumped and yelped in surprise.

"What are you doing?" His younger mate asked with an embarrassed chuckle, trying to focus on the tea he was making, but to his pleasure Tae glanced his way with his signature, pretending to be shy smile.

"Just admiring my mate's assets," Yoongi teased, pressing his hips up against Tae, "Why don't we go upstairs so I can admire them up close?" He let one of his hands wander up the edge of Tae's shirt. His mate's shiver at his touch made him growl. He pressed his nose into Tae's scent gland, taking in the smell of his arousal greedily.

"Take it upstairs!" Jin came into the kitchen smelling like citrus body wash. It was a scent that complimented his natural fresh scent well. Beads of water were collecting at the collar of his shirt from his damp hair. They were trying to kill him!

"That's what I'm trying to do!" Yoongi protested, nipping at Tae's neck in retaliation.

"Let me give Y/N her tea and then I'll go with you!" He held up one of the mugs of tea he had been working on and Yoongi reluctantly let him go. He watched Tae as he carried the mug lovingly into Y/N. A knock at the door drew his attention away. It was not common to have anyone visit them. Yoongi started moving towards the door, but Jin was closer.

"What are you doing here?" Jin's wary tone prompted him into action and he closed in behind his mate, pulling open the front door wider. It was the Alpha Mother and Hwasa.

"I only came to visit with your new mate, Jin." Her voice was aiming for reconciliation, but Yoongi wasn't buying it and Jin wasn't either.

"That's funny because you've never done that for any of my other mates, in fact this is the first time you've been to our house since Jungkook built it three years ago!" The irony in his upbeat tone made the Alpha Mother grimace and Hwasa looked sideways at the elder alpha, at least she had the decency to look embarrassed.

"Well, I'm making up for it now, aren't I?" The calculated look on the elder alpha's face put Yoongi on high alert.

"I thought Namjoon was clear, anything to do with Y/N will be handled within our pack." Yoongi could feel the tension in Jin rising. He looked back and saw Y/N and Tae standing close together in the middle of the living room area.

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