53- Thrumming Gold

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The next morning, pretty much everyone had dispersed after breakfast. Jin went to the distribution center with Jungkook and Taehyung, Namjoon and Yoongi were at the Guardhouse, which left Jimin with Y/N and Hoseok. They were under strict instructions not to let Y/N leave the porch if they went outside. It seemed strict unnecessary to Jimin, but he didn't want to disobey Namjoon.

Currently Hoseok was laying on his back in the sun on the porch. Y/N was laying on top of him, purring contentedly. Once she discovered that she could purr, it was like an automatic response to any affection from them. Jin didn't purr super often, only when he was really happy or pleased. To Jimin it meant that she was feeling happy and that felt like a miracle compared to how things had been almost a month ago.

Jimin was taking advantage of the downtime by dancing. It was an outlet for him. He didn't stray too far from the porch, but he did move closer to the shade of the trees. He didn't dance as often as he used to. Even when he embraced the rogue life with Namjoon, he found time for it every day, but this village seemed to suck his creative expression dry.

Jimin looked up as he heard someone walking along the treeline. Himchan waved as he passed by with a basket. Curious, Jimin ran to him.

"Good morning, Himchan!" Jimin chirped when he reached the shy beta.

"It's good to see her out and about, she seems happy." Himchan was nodding in the direction of the pack house towards Y/N and Hoseok.

Jimin could see the sadness in his eyes. He wondered if Himchan was wishing his mate could be out and about. Jimin knew about Sooah. Jin said that she was terminal. It would be so hard to know your mate was dying and to feel so helpless. Himchan cleared his throat to dispel the heavy mood that had been creeping in.

"I was just about to pick some strawberries!" Himchan smiled brightly, holding up a basket, "I saw a patch growing while I was on patrol the other day." Jimin's eyes widened.

"Strawberries?" His mouth was watering.

"Would you like to come along?" Himchan chuckled.

"Yes! Himchan I'll owe you forever!" He looked over his shoulder to his mates laying in the sun. I'll be right back, I'm just going with Himchan for a second!

Hoseok looked in his direction, Don't go too far, ok?

Of course! I'll come back with a surprise!

"Alright! Lead on Himchan!" Jimin was practically skipping as he followed the guard. He was already imagining how good those strawberries were going to taste mixed into vanilla ice cream.

You watched Jimin disappear into the trees with the other wolf. It was someone you had never met before. Hadn't Namjoon told you all not to go off with someone outside of the pack.

"He shouldn't go with that wolf alone," You told Hoseok.

"It's just Himchan and he's not going far." Hoseok sounded unconcerned. His fingers trailed up and down your back. You could feel his heartbeat, the way his lungs pushed his body against yours with every breath. You wanted to let go of it, to continue to enjoy this moment with your mate, but you couldn't.

Your unease mounted, almost feeling like one of your panic attacks. You pushed against Hoseok's chest into a seated position. It felt like your skin was crawling. Something bad was coming, something bad was going to happen to Jimin. It wasn't just a bad feeling, it felt like a premonition.

Jimin, come back right now! You sent firmly, almost desperately. He didn't answer.

"What's wrong, Y/N?" Hoseok sat up, rubbing your arms as some form of comfort. You shook your head, you didn't know how to describe it, you just knew gut deep that something bad was going to happen.

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