30- Well Fuck!

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You heard your shirt drop to the floor, but you were entirely focused on Hoseok. He ran the back of his fingers along your neck, across your collarbone and then traced some unknown pattern on your exposed chest.

His honey eyes, normally full of humor were more serious. He leaned in, nose brushing yours a moment before his lips pressed into yours. You whimpered into the kiss, wrapping your arms around his neck and taking the initiative to deepen the kiss. When you lightly licked his lips his tongue immediately came to meet yours. In your excitement, you pulled on his hair and he grunted into your kiss.

His hands palmed your waist and then moved up your sides until they found your bra, following the fabric to the clasp in the middle. He undid the clasp and slowly began to drag it free. He pulled away from the kiss to watch your bra fall away from your body. You saw a flicker of lust in his eyes as his hands ghosted your skin before cupping your breasts, one in each hand.

"Damn Y/N, you're so beautiful!" His sincerity was overwhelming, the way he was looking at your body had you dripping with desire to be touched more. He  kissed you again, but his hands were pulling off his own pants. You cupped his face and continued kissing him until his hands slid down your stomach to the waistband of his shorts.

"I love seeing you in my clothes, fuck!" He exclaimed, grabbing at your hips and rushing in for a bruising kiss. His tongue dominated yours aggressively before he abruptly left your mouth and began to suck his way down your neck, leaving you panting and moaning. He pulled at the waistband of your shorts again and shimmied them down your thighs.

You cried out as he cupped his hand between your legs and began to stroke at the growing wet spot of your underwear.

"One more piece," His voice was seductive and alluring, "Should I go first?" You nodded with a whimper. He removed his hand and pulled you flush with his body, your bare breasts pressing against his chest and his erection outlined against your bare stomach.

"I am weirdly, wildly excited to have breasts in my life!" He said excitedly and you blushed hard. It wasn't the first time that you had considered the fact that you were the only female in the pack and only one of two omegas, but it hit so differently in this context. He laughed low as he backed up, his eyes burning your skin as he pulled off the last piece of clothing he had on.

Seeing him naked in all his glory right in front of you made your knees buckle with need. You wanted him, you wanted him to be yours. Hoseok was toned, perhaps lacking some of the muscle that Jungkook has. His cock stood proud, fully erect and waiting for you. His long fingers wrapped around his shaft and pumped himself a few times, making you clench your soaking legs together. He got into the nest and settled down on his back, propped on his elbows smirking up at you.

"Tell me one more thing about yourself, Y/N," His voice was like a purr that made you shiver. One more thing, one more thing... You looked away, you couldn't focus while staring at him.

"I don't know why, but my wolf still remembers where I was born," You look back at him, "Like I feel this pull to revisit the place." You shrugged, you weren't really sure why you were sharing this with him, maybe it was your wolf who was pushing, "I was heading there before I met Jimin." You finished, crossing your arms across your chest. You don't know why sharing that made you feel vulnerable.

"Would you like us to take you there someday?" Your heart leapt into your throat. His kind smile almost brought you to tears.

"Yes, please," Your whisper was choked with emotion.

"We'll make it happen baby!" He said happily. You didn't need to be prompted this time, you slid off the last piece of your clothing and then got into the nest with Hoseok. He reached out to you, leading you to his lips for a long, deep kiss. Your tongues exploring each other's mouths with calm enthusiasm. When he pulled away, you licked your lip to collect your shared saliva his tongue left on your lip.

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