46- Causing Trouble

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"You should be resting! Think of our babies!" Yoongi scolded, elbow deep in hot water and bubbles. Yoongi had refused to say anything when he came back. He only said that they would talk about it when Namjoon and Jungkook got back. For the last hour he had been a twitchy and overbearing, first with Y/N and now with Jin. He had insisted on making dinner and doing dishes and now he was fighting with Jin about the nest.

Jin had spent the majority of the last hour getting the nest just right, it was an omega thing that Hoseok didn't understand, but it was extremely important to Jin. Some of the biggest fights Jin had gotten in with the pack had been over the nest. Hoseok remembers how a couple months after he and Taehyung had moved in, they had all collectively made Jin so mad because they wouldn't take the rules of his nest seriously that none of them were allowed in it for a full week.

And Yoongi's scolding. Hoseok snorted. Jin was only a few days pregnant, tops! Maybe it was an alpha protective thing, but why would a baby the size of a grain of rice stop Jin from cleaning the nest or making dinner for that matter? Jin seemed to agree.

"You need to back up Yoongi or I swear I'm going to kill you! It's way too early for you to be like this. If you're like this the whole time, we're going to have problems!"

Chuckling, Hoseok steered Jin out of the kitchen and into the living room. He helped him settle into the couch. Jin being pregnant was going to be full of drama, Hoseok could already tell and he knew he was going to love it! Jimin appeared out of nowhere, slotting himself in on the other side of Jin.

"Our babies are doing just fine!" He said cheerily. Jimin kissed Jin's belly, then pressed his lips into Jin's. Jimin moaned into the slow, sensual kiss. His hand traveled from Jin's belly to his inner thigh.

"Alright, enough of that!" Hoseok smacked Jimin's hand, "It seems that Jimin has a pregnancy kink!" This isn't the first time since finding out a couple of hours ago that Jin was pregnant that they had to intervene. Jimin shrugged with a mischievous twinkle in his eye.

"Who knew?"

"I'm already regretting this!" Jin exclaimed.

"Yah!" Jimin and Yoongi yelled in unison. Hoseok was going to love this so much! Across from him on the other couch, Taehyung and Y/N were spooning. She was dozing off but he shared a knowing grin with Taehyung. He knew Taehyung better than any of them, they were so similar in so many ways, and when it came to good natured drama, they both lived for it.

Hoseok's gaze fell back on his sleeping mate. She had been so exhausted all day today. He hoped it was just the mating with Jimin, but he worried it was something more. Yoongi had said that she had been woken up by a nightmare when he brought her in. Taehyung had offered his cuddling services and she had been asleep again within minutes, and had stayed in more or less the same position for the last hour.

Everyone perked up when Namjoon and Jungkook came in.  One look at Namjoon and all of them were on high alert. It was obvious that he was trying to hold his emotions from the bond, but it didn't take a genius to see that he was upset. Jungkook was trailing behind him like an injured puppy oozing of discomfort, insecurity, and fear.

"I'm going to take a shower," Namjoon said as he crossed the room, not looking at anyone. The door slammed behind him, making them all jump, including Y/N who sat bolt upright and looked like she was prepared to run for her life. The panic in the bond and the wild look in her eyes was heartbreaking.

Taehyung and Jimin were already moving to comfort her, so Hoseok got up to follow the alpha while Jin moved towards Jungkook and Yoongi started shaking bubbles from his arms. 

Luckily Namjoon left the door unlocked so Hoseok was able to slip in and close the door behind him. His heart broke when he saw his alpha head bowed with clenched fists pressing into the counter and tears streaming down his face.

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