7- Seenap Root

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Hoseok was feeling uneasy. Everyone in his pack was on edge. He looked around the room at everyone. Jin was trying to hide how upset he was with a fake smile and jokes. Jimin was dejected and not even trying to hide it, that was probably why the room felt so dim. 

Jungkook was clinging to Yoongi and pouty whenever he wasn't receiving attention, and since Yoongi was silently brooding, Jungkook had a permanent pout. Namjoon was lost in thought, which wasn't out of the ordinary, but Hoseok could smell the faintest trace of fear that he was trying to suppress. Tae wasn't as bad, but ever since he came out from visiting Y/N he had been uncharacteristically quiet.

Namjoon had called a pack meeting and it was obvious why seeing all of his pack mates gathered together. Whatever was going on, it was clearly about Y/N. His interaction with her this morning had been brief. The image of her large fearful eyes looking up at him was burned into his mind. Often a wolf's hair color matched their wolf. His wolf was white and so was his hair. Her hair was a blend of light and dark grays. Her wolf must be beautiful. His desire to gather her into his arms had felt strong, but he could tell that was not the comfort that she was seeking.

Namjoon cleared his throat and every wolf turned their attention to the pack leader. Namjoon had been thrown into the role of pack leader and Head Alpha but he was a good leader. He was strong, thoughtful, and incredibly supportive of any ideas but also any behavioral ticks his mismatched pack had.

"We need to talk about Y/N," He began, "We've talked with her and with the Alpha Mother." That was news to Hoseok and his heart clenched in fear.

"Why did you see the Alpha Mother? Is Y/N sick? Is she ok?" The questions tumbled out of his mouth in rapid succession as he became more agitated.

"She's not sick, she's ok," Namjoon reassured quickly, "Who knows what seenap root is?" Seenap root? Hoseok had never heard of it and when he looked around the room, he seemed to be in the majority.

"Seenap root is an herb that is not used very often any more. Sometimes it is used to help Omegas who do not wish to take a heat partner manage their heats themselves. It is often ingested in tea form. They take it as soon as they feel heat symptoms and then stop as soon as their heat stops. 

"It's not used very often anymore because if ingested for long stretches of time, it has some negative side effects." Namjoon paused and shifted in his seat.

"What kind of side effects?" Jungkook asked, still pouting.

"Wait, first, are you telling this because Y/N has been taking this seenap root?" Hoseok interrupted. Namjoon nodded.

"Did she say why?" Jimin's voice was flat and uncharacteristic of him, catching the attention of almost everyone in the room. Jimin was staring, unseeing at the floor, his glassy eyes were dull. It wasn't actually a good idea to let Jimin stay in a bad mood, it effected all of them if they did. Hoseok glanced around the room and he could see signs of it. Subtle things like dim lights, the way that colors seemed duller, but then there were things like the darker shadows that seemed to move slightly.

Namjoon and Jin exchanged a look. Jungkook scoffed and glared at the two of them.

"Let it go already, Jungkook," Yoongi grumbled. Jungkook crossed his arms over his chest and looked away. Jin leaned forward.

"Jungkook, we're going to tell everyone everything, please be patient," Jin chided gently, "When I was talking to Y/N, her symptoms sounded like effects from seenap root. I asked her about it and she said that her pack leaders would give it to her every morning to help with her heats and to –" Jin looked at Namjoon who gave him a curt nod, "And to prevent pregnancy."

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