32 - Fulfillment Center

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So... This chapter is way longer than normal and has smut at the end that may or may not be relevant to the story... But I loved it so much that I couldn't cut it out 😅😝


Your only experience so far going into the inner village was to visit the Alpha Mother and you honestly hadn't been paying attention then. You had been focusing on Jin's hand in yours and Namjoon's feet ahead of you.

This time, you were still holding someone's hand, but you were observing the village and the villagers around you. It looked like the village was a mix of homes and businesses, or maybe people had turned their homes into businesses. You wondered how a small village like this, cut off from other villages, worked. How did they make money? Did everyone have a job? Would you also get a job?

Villagers you passed sometimes greeted Taehyung, but he didn't introduce you to anyone and you actually preferred it that way. Nothing in particular caught your eye until you passed a bakery. The smell hit your lungs, fresh bread, sugar, cinnamon, and you instantly started to salivate. You inadvertently stopped in your tracks and stared into the window of the shop

Taehyung squeezed your hand, "Would you like something?" You looked up at him with what felt like pathetic longing. He chuckled and led you inside. The shop was small, neat and simple, making the baked goods the primary focus. To the left and the right there were shelves with prepackaged pastries and full loaves of bread, but what drew your attention was a glass display case.

Taehyung grunted in surprise as you rushed to the glass display case, dragging him behind you. It was connected to a counter and a middle aged woman was leaning against it smiling at the pair of you.

"Hello Taehyung," She greeted him pleasantly.

"Good morning, Jiho! This is Y/N, she is wanting to try some of your pastries," Taehyung introduced, swinging your hand in his hand again. You nod at the woman, but then turn your attention back to the pastries.

Croissants glistening with glaze, circular pastries topped with fruit and cream, horn pastries filled with chocolate custard. You licked your lips, you wanted to try them all.

"Which ones would you like to try?" He threw his arm around your shoulder and pulled you into his chest. He had a contemplative pout that barely twitched over an amused smirk.

"How many can I get?"

Taehyung had been far too generous, but you had no complaints. He carried a box full of pastries while you munched on one in your hand.

"Eat up, you're too skinny!" Taehyung said fondly.

"You think I'm too skinny?" You had never really compared your body to other people's. Were you too skinny? Should you be embarrassed? Concerned? Taehyung looked like he immediately regretted what he said.

"No, you're not too skinny!" He said quickly, swallowing so loudly his gulp was audible, "I just think those hellhounds didn't take proper care of you is all." You could tell that Taehyung was feeling awkward.

"Well, it's true they didn't," You agreed, stuffing your mouth with cream and flakey crust, "Why do you call them hellhounds?"

"That's how everyone has described them," He said in a much more subdued tone. You just nodded. Hellhounds wasn't far off. You were pretty sure you've called them that a few times in your life. You took another bite of your pastry and moaned loudly, shocking Taehyung.

"Mmmm! Taehyung, these are so good!" You said loudly, throwing your head back in delight, "Thank you!"

"Goddess, I want to kiss you right now," He chuckled, "Just don't eat too many, I don't want all the sugar to make you sick." There was silence for a minute, but it was comfortable. Taehyung's confession had been sweet and you felt a tingling shyness dance in your heart.

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