24 - Waiting

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Jin's whimpering woke him up. He blinked heavily at his mate. Jin appeared to still be asleep, but his brows were furrowed as if he was in pain. Sweat glistened on his forehead and was dampening his light brown hair. Then he caught Jin's scent. Normally Jin had a fresh scent, like falling rain or spring air, but right now his scent had a sweet, heavier tint to it. Yoongi was fully awake now.

There was almost nothing more energizing for an alpha than a mate in heat. He got up to straddle Jin, pushing him flat on his back. They were both still naked from earlier rounds of his and Jimin's ruts. Jin's skin was hot to the touch and covered in his marks, he groaned at the sight.

Jin woke up moaning, pushing his head back into the mattress and exposing his neck in the most luscious way.

"It hurts!" He whimpered, large dewy brown eyes looked up at him pleadingly.

"I know baby, your alpha is here, I'm going to help you," Yoongi reassured, rubbing at his sides. His warm body, his intoxicating scent, his pleas and moans were more than enough to get Yoongi hard. He leaned down and kissed his omega. As their tongues stroked each other, Yoongi found Jin's cock and gently stroked him.

Yoongi broke the kiss when he heard Jimin stirring in the bed. Jimin's red hair was wild, standing up in different directions and he was staring at the pair with wide eyed determination.

"Has his heat started?" Before Yoongi could respond, Jin was whimpering again and Jimin lunged for the omega. Yoongi pushed him back.

"Wait your turn, Jimin!" Yoongi snapped. They stared each other down for a few seconds before Jimin gave in and looked away. Jin was writhing and calling for him, but he took another second to reward his beta.

He grabbed Jimin's jaw and pulled the beta's ear to his mouth, "Such a good boy for your alpha." Yoongi licked the shell of his ear before biting his earlobe, then he let Jimin go and focused on Jin.

"Please alpha, please it hurts!" Jin had his fist around his own cock and was pleasuring himself. His chest was heaving and collecting dew from his raised body temperature. Stroking his own cock, Yoongi rearranged himself behind Jin, lining himself up to Jin's slick drenched hole.

"I'll take care of you omega, don't worry."

He thrust into Jin, letting the omega suck up every inch of cock into his glorious heat. Jin's throaty moan made him hungry and Yoongi began thrusting hard. There was no point taking it slow when his omega was in heat, Jin would just demand he go harder or faster.

"Faster, alpha!" He gasped, gripping Yoongi's biceps. Yoongi scoffed good naturedly. To please his omega, he did go faster. The sound of their skin slapping made Yoongi growl in satisfaction It was always the same with this glorious creature. 

Yoongi stared down at his mate. Jin's eyes were screwed tight in pleasure and his mouth hung open just begging to be filled. Jin's beauty always seemed to pop around the corner and surprise him. 

Jimin whined and shifted on the bed next to them. Yoongi snarled at the beta, but Jimin just snarled right back.

"Wait your turn!" Yoongi said forcefully. He was starting to get lost in  his pleasure and wasn't thinking clearly.

"I am fucking waiting!" Jimin shouted back. 

"Mmm, Yoongi!" Yoongi leaned down to kiss his mate, filling Jin's open mouth with his tongue. Jin hummed happily, twisting his fingers in Yoongi's hair. His hums turned to cries Yoongi thrust harder. He loved when Jin was on his heat and wanted to be fucked within an inch of his life!

"Yoongi I'm close!" His voice was strangled with his pleasure and Yoongi almost came right then. He reached down and began to pump Jin's erect cock. Jin writhed and cried out. Seconds later, his white release was coating his stomach and gently pumping over Yoongi's fist.

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