18- I Want My Mate

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Hoseok had mentioned that Y/N seemed to be feeling antsy being inside, so they decided to bring her with them as they went to inspect some broken sprinklers in the community gardens. The village was mostly self-sustaining. They had hunting parties in charge of meat, and they had large gardens to provide fresh fruits and vegetables.

This wasn't normally a task that Yoongi would do, but when Hoseok had asked for help, he couldn't think of a reason not to. He was changing out one sprinkler head while Hoseok ran back to the storage shed to get another one. They had brought the wrong sprinkler head for the second one they needed to replace.

Where is Y/N? Namjoon sent through the link.

Yoongi looked up from his work. She was about 20 feet away. He was regretting bringing her, it was putting him on edge to have her out in the open, he was constantly worrying about her. It was infuriating that they didn't share a bond or the link. He felt like he was flying blind with her.

She's with me. Yoongi sent back.

He noticed her stiffening. Yoongi took a moment to stand and stretch. He scanned the area to see what was drawing her attention, but he didn't see anything. Suddenly, Y/N shifted and took off running. She was like a bullet and he felt instant dread, not knowing her trajectory. He shifted and took off after her. She was running towards the tree line.

Hoseok, get to Y/N now! Hurry! She's running to the tree line! He hadn't meant to send it to the whole pack, but he felt the whole pack react through the bond. Her little gray wolf was fast and she was running like her life depended on it. He was gaining on Y/N, but he was terrified of losing her in the forest. A streak of white cut her off and her wolf yelped, turning away from the wolf now in front of her.

Her brief hesitation was enough for Yoongi to pounce on her and pin her to the ground. Her wolf whimpered and yipped, but Yoongi didn't let up until Y/N shifted back into her human form. She was crying and Yoongi instantly felt guilty.

We've got her. The white wolf beside him shifted into Hoseok, his face full of worry. He cupped her face, "Y/N, what's wrong? Why did you run?" Yoongi shook himself until his human form was left kneeling over her. He got to his feet and pulled Y/N up with him.

Get her to the pack house, now! Namjoon sent before he cut off the link. Yoongi didn't respond to any of the questions for clarification from his pack. Y/N tried to wiggle out of his grasp, but he ignored that as well.

Yoongi wrestled Y/N into the pack house and then let her go. Jin and Taehyung were already in the kitchen, watching the newcomers anxiously. She openly glared at him as she rubbed her arm where he had been grabbing her. Yoongi just rolled his eyes. His wolf was furious with her, rabid at the thought that she had tried to make a run for it.

"What happened?" Jin asked hurriedly, "Y/N, are you ok?"

"What the fuck is going on?" Jungkook growled as he burst through the door, Jimin right behind him.

"She tried to run away again." Yoongi's rage was boiling just below the surface, his skin felt like it was on fire, his nerves firing painfully

"Y/N, why?" Jimin's voice cracked with emotion. The look of pain on his face just made Yoongi angrier.

"You have a death wish, is that it?" He spat at her. She glared at the floor and didn't answer, "Answer me, omega!" She growled lowly at that.

"Don't tell me what to do, you're not my alpha!" She snapped, making eye contact with him again. Yoongi marched towards her, but Hoseok grabbed him and pulled him back.

"I am your alpha, whether you like it or not. I am your mate and I will not stand still and let you throw your life away!"

"I have spent my whole life under the control of alphas like you and I'm done! I want to live my life my way, not yours. What if I never feel the mating pull? Will you continue to force me to play mate?"

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