Rouge x Wave

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               Rouge is what you would call sneaky. Very sneaky. Which is why most people would put her on the 'evil' side instead of the good. That and she steals a lot. She usually steals the Master Emerald, but that's not the only gem she has up her sleeve! She also steals from all sorts of places. Banks, Museums, Robotnick's place, really she can steal from anywhere she wants.

                Today she decided to steal from the notorious thieves The Babylon Rogues or is it just Babylon Rouges? Doesn't matter. She's gonna take some stuff and show them who's the real thief! Well that's what she wants to do. It's a bit tricky actually getting into the base of operations because it's constantly moving. But finally they land today. So all Rouge has to do is keep quiet and fly behind them until they land, then boom! She robs them blind.
                 She was not expecting them to actually be smart or at least one of them because now she has another problem. A blue bird (who she assumes is another one of the members) is guarding the place while the other two loiter about. Seems they're smart enough to keep a guard around, good for them. She can still knock her out and down without a second though but now she knows to keep her eyes peeled.

                 She throws in some knockout gas. But to her surprise, the bird spots it and knocks it away and out back towards Rouge outside. Rouge runs and ducks for cover as she watches the blue bird call in for backup presumably. She watches as she calls then... get frustrated?

                  "Jet... Storm.... Come in."

                  "Yeah what is it?"

                  "Somebody's trying to break in."

                  "Of course somebody's trying to break in! Just hold the fort down, they can't do crap"

                   "Yes they can Jet! Haven't you learned from last t- and he shut his radio off."

                    Wave rubs her forehead and looks around to see who could've possibly thrown in that gas, close call. She should probably lock up the place. But knowing Jet he would probably get angry at her for closing the door because then she had to reopen the door for him and Storm. Ranting about how it's taking too long. So she just sighs and goes back to work. That was probably a one off attack, she hopes.

                    Well it wasn't as Rouge tries again. This time with a more sneaky approach. She goes inside and locates a gem, really the prettiest one in the room. She picks it up and inspects it. It looks good, but she doesn't know how much it's worth. She looks around for a more expensive gem. They have a lot. She finally finds one, pretty and most likely expensive.

                   "Go ahead take it, they probably won't notice it's gone." Okay so Wave really is as smart as Rouge.
                   Rouge Turns to find the Blue bird looking smug yet repressed. She gears up into a fighting stance.

                    "Don't bother, I don't care that much to get into a fight over it, take it. It's probably not worth much."

                    Rouge still suspicious but she relaxes. She goes up to the bird and smiles.

                    "You're pretty smart, what are you doing with these... fools?"

                    "Family Business."

                    "Does your family mean that much to you?"

                    "Not particularly."

                    "Why not do what I do?"

                   "I'm not done yet. These guys still need help. But maybe someday."

                   "Your an interesting one."

                   "So are you." Wave pulls out a piece of paper

                   "Here's my number, if you ever want to call it for whatever reason."

                   Rouge takes the number

                   "Thanks." and with that Rouge leaves with the gem and Wave's number

                   Wave just smiles as she leaves. She knows soon enough she'll be getting a call. Finally, something to look forward too.

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