Sonic x Jet

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               Jet hated Sonic. He hated everything about Sonic. Maybe it was because no matter how much he tried, Sonic was better than him. Everyone liked Sonic, only a few people even tried to exist around Jet, mainly coworkers. Jet's only friends could be described as coworkers. Jet had as far as he knew, no friends.

                 But no matter what Sonic was to him, Sonic was still nice to him. Sure Sonic probably hated him but most the time Sonic was the closest thing he had to a friend. He hated that. Jet hated everything Sonic stood for and what he represented against him. Jet absolutely hated Sonic. But Sonic didn't hate Jet.

                  This confused Jet to no end. Not like it mattered he would probably never have a full conversation with the hedgehog. Jet hated him too much or because they were on different sides or something else. No matter what Jet couldn't get him out of his head. Jet chalked it up to seeing him so much.

                    But then Jet thought about it, really thought about it. He realized something. That hate was actually infatuation. He tried to put it away or deny it. But that feeling didn't disappear, no matter what he tried or how he tried it. Pushing it down didn't yield any good results.

                    This led Jet to doing something. Swallowing his pride and letting it out. The next time he saw Sonic he pulled him aside and led him to an enclosed room where nobody could hear them if they tried. He made Sonic zip his lips and there they stood, in some random room Jet had picked out.

                   "This isn't another invitation to a competition or duel, is it?"


                   "Color me surprised"


                   "... so you had something to tell me?"

                   "Yeah, I do"

                   "...mind telling me what that is?"

                   "Sorry, this is just hard."

                   "... Jet..."

                   "I'm in love with you"


                   "Yeah, sorry"

                   "No, it's great, actually!"


                   "I mean, I kinda have a thing for you too...."

                   ".... Are you messing with me?"

                   "...what? no Jet! I have actual feeling for you!"


                   "YES JET!"

                  Jet and Sonic go back and forth. With Jet questioning and Sonic answering. Now everyone can hear them. At least they don't have to tell everyone now.

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