Sonic (???) Sticks

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Sonic would admit that Sticks was cute. Maybe it was her feral nature that Sonic was attracted to her. Maybe it was her ability to get stuff done. But for some reason the hedgehog couldn't get the badger out of his mind. He had no clue why. It started ever since that day that Sticks saved him when they went to that event together.

He didn't care what started it or what it was doing, he wanted an end to it. Sonic was known for his speed anyways. So he did one thing he usually didn't do, think about it. Yes I know, extremely shocking. So he thought for a long time and fought himself over it. Coming to a realization. Either he confesses or he lets it boil inside... I said he thought, I didn't say it would be a good thought or idea.

So...confessions. Sonic could not do that. He was known for speed not honesty. But he could be honest. With himself and with Sticks. So one day he goes over to her house.

"Hey Sticks!"

"Is there something going on?"

"No, I wanted to tell you something"

"Sonic, I already know you have feelings for me"

"Oh... so"

"Good to see you finally realized. You wanna go tomorrow for a date?"


"Wait, you're the one who transitioned to a girl, right?"

"No Sticks that was Tails, I did the exact opposite actually"

"Oh, sorry. Not my type, I like girls"

"Oh, okay, um, well, see you later?"

"See you later!" Sticks goes back into her house with a very confused hedgehog out in the front.

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