Tails x Kit

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                 Telling people your boyfriend used to be basically an evil doppelgänger of you was kinda hard. At least at first. Soon enough it became as normal for conversation as asking how the weather was. Many people were concerned or confused. But Tails didn't care, self love was important anyways right?

                  Plus Kit was way different from Tails. Kit had water powers, Tails had air control with her well, Tails. Kit was insanely loyal, while Tails could tell right from wrong with commanding figures. Tails was the first to confess while Kit couldn't believe the confession. Thinking too little of himself and hating himself and striving to become Tails in a good sort of way.

                  Kit was a living being too. He had a personality, a past, presumably he at least used to have parents and the rest of a family. Didn't matter. Tails still liked Kit, Tails loved Kit. She was his girlfriend and Tails doesn't care who likes it or not. Tails loved Kit and that's all that mattered to him. Kit was different though.

                  Kit sought out appreciation. Kit loved to be loved. Sure he got a lot and I mean a lot of that from Tails but other people mattered too. So when others were disapproving of his and Tails relationship. Kit couldn't help but feel it was his fault. That he caused all of it. He hates himself for that. But Tails at least loved him.

                 Sometimes Kit would bring it up and Tails said something along the lines of 'who cares?' Kit cared and as much as he tried to go along with it, he couldn't. Self doubt plagued him. But he could always rest on Tails and Tails would beat up whoever disproved of them. Kit loved Tails more than the other could ever imagine. They were inseparable, Kit loved Tails and Tails loved Kit. They love each other. That's all that matters.

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