Tails x Charmy

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                 "Hey pretty girl" Charmy backs Tails into a corner

                 "Funny." Tails says crossing her arms which makes Charmy laugh

                 Tails leads Charmy outside.

                 "Where are we going?" Charmy asks, Tails just smiles

                 "We're going for a walk." Tails says leading Charmy holding their hand and walking and walking.

                 The two continue to walk. Tails seems to never stop and Charmy keeps on following. They walk for what seems like forever. Eventually they arrive on a top of the hill. Tails stops at the edge. Charmy and her stare off of the hill to the wilderness in front of them.

                 "You ready?"

                 "For what?"

                 Tails starts to fly up and Charmy realizes and follows suit. Both of the fly off into the air. Then go pass the cliff and into the wilderness flying for what seems like forever. Watching the nature and how it fills everywhere. The tress, animals and anything else that appears. But at last they turn around and head back. Taking as long and noticing the same stuff. The fresh breeze shakes Charmy to their core, but they keep going behind Tails. Eventually the two arrive back on the cliff. Where they look back out to the wilderness they were above a few seconds ago. Charmy turns to Tails to look at her and ask her a question.

                  "Was there a purpose for that?" Charmy asks, confused

                  "No." Tails smiles and walks down the cliff with Charmy in hand.

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