Marine x Tails

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                  "Hi!" Marine tackle hugs Tails.

                  "You're lucky my skirt didn't get dirty." Tails says dusting off her skirt.

                  "Yeah yeah"

                  "What are you even doing here? Shouldn't you, you know, be in your own dimension?"

                  "You know I can't stay away from you for too long!" Marine says hugging Tails

                  "Fine. But seriously, absolutely no reason?"

                  "Yes. For you and you only."

                  "Aw, you shouldn't have!"

                  "Yeah, I'll probably get in trouble for this..."

                  "That's nothing, so what did you want to do?"

                  "Go on a date!"

                  "Wow, Marine, that's really mundane for you."

                  "Shush you, let's go!"

                  Marine takes Tails' to a random diner. Where the two get some drinks, soda for Marine and water for Tails and they also order some food. The two sit down.

                  "I can't believe you did this for a date."

                  "Anything for my girlfriend"

                  "Well, can it not break the rules next time? I don't want you or me to get into trouble over a date."

                  "What else are we supposed to do? We barely ever see each other!"

                  "Yeah I know, I can talk to Sonic. Can you talk to Blaze?"

                  "Probably not, she's overworked and has too much on her plate to outright bug her at least."

                  "Well, that sucks."

                  "Yeah, I know"

                  "...Let's just enjoy this moment, okay?"


                  The two get their food and eat it. They spend the rest of the day together and when Marine goes back to her dimension they say their goodbyes to each other. Marine goes through the portal, surprisingly enough she doesn't get into trouble. Nobody noticed her leaving or being gone, or anything with dimension travel. So she's at least proud of herself that she didn't get caught. Guess she'll have to tell Tails at their next date.

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