Tails x Kit

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           "Thanks for helping Kit."

           "Sure, if you're sure about this."

           "I'm definitely sure, your Hydrokinesis is perfect to help Sonic with his Aquaphobia.."

           "...If you're sure."

           "I'm sure, speaking of which, hey Sonic!"

           Sonic is staying as far as he can from the small swimming pool wearing water floaties and a snorkel

           "Let's just get this over with" Sonic says in a annoyed tone

           Sonic slowly leads himself into the pool, Kit prepares himself. Tails instructs Sonic on how to swim, Sonic is doing pretty well all thing considered. Until they get to the deeper side.

           "Tails, are you sure about this?" Sonic asks cautiously

           "You'll be fine, Sonic. Trust me."

           "Okay... Here goes nothing" Sonic starts going into the deep end, then starts swimming.

           "Hey Tails! Look! I'm doing it!"

           "Good Job Sonic!" Tails says and Sonic smiling before Sonic pauses and looks down, suddenly fear consumes him. Kit immediately sees the danger and pulls Sonic out.

          Sonic is wrapped in a towel and on dry land. In a ball. Tails is patting his back while Kit sits next to Tails.

          "Thanks Kit." Sonic says in a shakey voice. Kit gives him a thumb up.

          "Alright, Sonic. I think that's good for today." Tails says.

          "Finally!" Sonic immediately gets up and runs out of the building

          "There he goes again." Tails says, Kit nods in agreement.

          "Thank you, Kit." Tails says and gives Kit a little kiss on the cheek.

          "...Thanks for trusting me." Kit says and the two hug and then leave the building, a lot slower than Sonic did though.

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