Amy x Blaze

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              Amy considered her to be an impossible crush. Maybe she was jealous of how much attention Blaze got from Sonic but that jealousy led to a crush. She was her biggest crush and this crush ended up being weird. Amy tried to ignore it at first, but she couldn't. So she gave into it. Fantasizing and wandering and daydreaming and the works. She was obsessed with Blaze.

                It was normal until Amy decided to be exactly like her former crush and stalk her. Now Amy didn't stalk Blaze per se but she did act like a stalker so Amy decided to take a page out of her own book and do the same to Blaze. Obviously Amy was obsessed with her and Amy had given into her desires. That didn't matter though as Amy was learning more about her every day. Who cares how illegal this probably is? Amy doesn't.

                Blaze noticed this all though, after all it was Amy's style. Blaze somehow found it flattering that the younger girl would take such a keen interest in her. Hey, she liked girls, not boys sooooooooo. Why not? Who knows? Blaze does. So one night while Amy is doing her usual routine, Blaze goes back outside and to exactly where she's hiding.

                "Hello Amy."

                "Oh... heyyyyyyyyy Blaze"

                "You didn't think I wouldn't notice you did you?"


                "You aren't too good with stealth."

                "You're telling me"

                "Well, it was a nice try."

                "Yeah... I'll just go back home now"

                "Nope!" Blaze scoops Amy up.

                "..." Amy stays silent

                "You're coming with me" Blaze winks and smiles at Amy. Amy gets extremely flustered. They enter Blaze's house and Blaze puts Amy on a seat at her table and then get some food for the both of them.

                "Here you go!"

                "Um.... Thank You.... Why are you doing this?" Amy asks nervously

                "Well... I assumed you wanted to date me." Blaze calmly says

                "Oh! Well, I mean... I do... but."

               "Amy, this is a fine place. Plus we can go wherever we want next time" the phrase 'next time' gets Amy flustered which Blaze smiles at.

                The two girls eat and chat. Finally they finish eating and Amy should probably go home. So she helps Blaze with the dishes and says she's going to have to leave soon.


               "I should get home soon or-"

               Blaze kisses her

               "You can stay for a while longer can't you?"

               "...yeah.... I think I can."

              So they snuggle up on the couch and Watch TV. Snuggling until they can't anymore. Then Amy can leave. You know, whenever they're done.

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