Tangle x Whisper

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Today is a big day.

"Are you absolutely SURE everything is alright?" Tangle says sporting a tux with a bow tie that she's readjusting.

"Tangle, I can assure you everything is fine" Jewel says

Tangle can't stop panicking, she wants everything to be perfect.

"Are you super sure?"

"Tangle, we are super super super sure!" Tails says following it with a thumb up. Tangle breathes a sigh of relief.

"OK! Wait-"

"Whisper, are you good?"

Silver hears a whisper something like 'just a minute' from where she is. Silver sits down. Whisper comes out finally in a white dress and smiles.

"Ah! Whisper, that looks great!"

Sonic enters through the door and shuts it carefully yet fast.

"So, Whisper, are you ready?" Sonic questions the Wolf

"Where have you been Sonic?" Silver asks him.

"Busy. There's a reason your the best man and not me." Whisper silently laughs at that remark while Sonic sports a smirk and Silver makes a displeased face.

"All right!" Sonic claps his hands together "Are you ready or not Whisper?" Whisper smiles and gives him a thumbs up.

He smiles and yells out to the others that she's ready.

"If she's ready, I'm ready!"

"Are you sure?" Tails asks cautiously.

"Nope! But that isn't going to stop me!"

Sonic opens the door

"Are you ready Tangle?"

"Ready as I'll ever be!"

Sonic smiles and ushers her, Jewel and Tails out of the room. They get to the main ceremony place where they wait for Whisper. On Tangle's side is her, followed by Jewel and then by Tails. On Whisper's side is Silver then Sonic with an Empty Space in there for her. For some reason Vector is officiating the Wedding, but it doesn't matter too much.

Finally after what seems like an eternity. Whisper comes out and walks down the aisle. Tangle smiles at her and the flower girl: Cream is right in front of her spreading pedals. Whisper finally gets to the front and Tangle smiles at Whisper who smiles back.

The ringer bearer: Amy comes up to them and presents the rings to them. Simple rings. They take them elegantly and go back to staring and smiling at each other. Everyone sits down and waits for Vector. Who clears his throat and begins to speak.

*Ahem* "Today we are gathered here for the wedding of Tangel Lemur and Whisper Wolf. Um..." Espio whispers something in his ear "Oh yeah! Join your hands, for some reason and Oh! Does anyone object to this marriage?"

Nobody does

"No surprise, alright! Do you Tangle Lemur take Whisper Wolf to be your wife?"

"I do"

Whisper takes the ring in her hand and puts it on Tangle's finger.

"And do you Whisper Wolf take Tnagle Lemur to be your wife?"

Whisper clears her throat

"I DO!" She screams. Taking everyone aback. She smiles and Tangle smiles back at her. Vector has to reorientate himself, though before they get back to the ceremony.

Tangle laughs and puts the ring she has on Whisper's finger

"Alright! With the powers invested in me, you two are now wife and wife. You may now kiss the other bride!" Vector says.

They kiss each other and everyone cheers for them. They wave to everyone and everyone keeps cheering for them.

The after party goes great. Tangle for the thing and takes some flowers and throws them behind her. Cream ends up being the one to admittedly accidentally catch them as the others were too busy trying to get it, fighting with each other. The flowers threw right past them and landed in Cream's arms. Ironically Marine was also in that crowd. But she gets away from the crowd and hugs and kisses and praises Cream who blushes. Tangle smiles at the Cute Display and then proceeds to join her wife as they start to dance on the dance floor, interlocking arms.

"I'm surprised how well this went." Tangle says

*...me too...* Whisper says

"...I love you, Whisper"

*I love you too, Tangle.*

They embrace each other and keep dancing. Until the celebration comes to a close and everyone else leaves. Leaving the two wives to go home after everything.

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