Knuckles x Shadow

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           Shadow and Knuckles sit on top of a small hill, watching the sun set. Knuckles lays on Shadow's shoulder. He thinks about it every moment. But allows himself to relax into it. The two sit for a bit on that hill.

           "Knuckles." Shadow says.


           "I'm terrified of losing you."

           "How do you think I feel?"

           "...Probably the same."


           "Thank you."

           "No need to thank me, you're doing the same thing for me"

           "...I guess your right."

           "Thank you"

           The two go back to silence. But not for too long.

           "I'm sorry you have to deal with a broken person like me."

           "Don't be sorry, you didn't cause it, plus I'm pretty messed up too!"

           "I know, but you don't deserve it."

           "Thanks, but it's alright, I still love you"

           "I love you too."

           The two go back to silence. Eventually the sun sets, they stay there for a while longer before getting up and going away to another place. Somewhere else.

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