One Sided Amy x Rouge

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                  Rouge was conventionally attractive, anyone could tell you that. Amy wasn't so dazzled by looks though. Personality was a requirement for her. So Amy started to look after Rouge and how she acted. Amy noticed that she was mainly a neutral party and worked for G.U.N. That didn't matter. She was a robber, a cheat and a schemer. Did everyone else know this? This was extremely obvious once Amy looked at her and how she acted.

                   Amy would confront Rouge with this evidence about her misdeeds. She has all the possible evidence she needed to serve her justice but she would give her a chance to explain. After all she was a friend of not only hers but others. Amy walked into her club directly to her office and slammed the documents on her table.

                  "What's this about Pinky?"

                  "You know what! These... misdeeds need to be taken care of!"

                  "Your lucky you're cute or I would remove you this instant."

                  "I think you're making threats you can't follow through on!"

                  "Again, you're extremely lucky you're cute or else I would remove you. Look, Pinky. I'm flattered. But didn't you think that after so long I would've got caught already if anyone else did what you did?"

                   "Rouge, look. I don't get why your doing this. You're a friend, obviously, So I'm letting you explain yourself!"

                   "Really? Look, it's quite simple. I like it. No and or buts. I just do it because it's fun and I like doing it."

                   "Seriously Rouge?"

                   "Ugh fine, Pinky if you don't believe me just come with me." Rouge takes Amy by the hand and leds her out of her office and into her club where she shows Amy around to the former's annoyance. Rouge takes her all around and after a few hours they get back to her office. Amy however can't look past Rouge's beauty for whatever reason her sapphic brain can't get around.


                   "Fine, I should've stayed out of your business" Amy sighs and say with a red face, which Rouge smirks at

                   "No, it's fine. You would make a great business partner, so give me a call, cutie." Rouge pulls out a business card and gives it to Amy.

                   "Make sure to give me a call." Rouge says and with that she opens the door and Amy walks out of the office with the evidence.

                    Amy had to admit even if Rouge's personality was extremely llegal, it was still a personality and it fit her extremely well... or maybe Amy should stop going after hot people.

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