Tails x Kit x Charmy

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"These are my two partners!" Tails holds Kit and Charmy by their arms. Kit looks nervous while Charmy looks happy.

"Do you have to say that everytime?" Kit asks.

"Yes." Tails says matter of factly

"I like it" Charmy says

"Fine." Kit sulks

"So what are you three doing here?" Sonic questions the three

"We came to help? Like you asked?" Tails says. Kit and Charmy nod in agreement of the assessment given by Tails.

"...oh...right" Sonic rubs the back of his head, he obviously forgot

Charmy, Kit and Tails all start helping. Moving debris out of the way and cleaning up any messes.

"Man I hate doing work" Charmy says

"I like it, it helps the community! What about you Kit?"

"I like it because it makes up for my past mistakes." Kit says sadly.

Tails and Charmy go over to Kit and hug him. He abruptly cries in their arms. They get back to work shortly, Kit taking a bit longer to recuperate. Which makes him feel bad. But the others convince him that he's okay and they get all the waste cleaned up.

"Great job, you three. See you later!" Sonic runs off, after only running back a few moments ago

"Did he even help?" Kit asks

"Who cares, let's go home" Charmy states matter of factly

"Yeah..." Kit says, he looks down. Tails notices this and hold his hand. Charmy goes to the other side and hold Kit's other hand. They walk down the road with smiles on their faces. Happy to be together

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