Cream x Marine

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             "My Mom taught me the piano for a bit, so I can play it... decently. How about you?" Cream asks her girlfriend, the two laying on a hill. Well Marine is laying, Cream is sitting.


             "Marine, were you even listening?"


             "Answer my question then."

             "...Okay, fine. What was is?"


             "Sorry! I'll listen to it now, okay?"

             "Fine, do you know how to play any musical instruments?"

             "Oh yeah, a couple actually"


             "Yup, you have a lot of time to kill at sea"

             "Which ones?"

             "The guitar, the violin, the didgeridoo, oh! And the bagpipes"

             "What's a didgeridoo?"

             "This!" Marine pulls out a didgeridoo from out of thin air.

             "..." Cream pauses not knowing how her girlfriend can break the laws of physics.

             "Check this out!" Marine begins to play the wind instrument, a nice drone for an extended period of time. Eventually the racoon subsides and looks at Cream.

             "How was that? I'm a bit rusty, but still..." Marine says looking at her girlfriend. Cream giggles and claps and Marine takes a fake bow and Cream giggles again.

             Marine puts it back behind her back. Which still confused Cream but at this point she doesn't care. The two go back to laying on the grass and talking about whatever comes to mind.

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