Tails x Charmy

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Tails and Charmy sit on the couch. Charmy laying on Tails. They both enjoy the peaceful blissfulness of their situation. Enjoying each other in this comforting moment they have together.

"Hey Tails..."


"Did I ever meet your parents?"

Tails eyes go wide. She coughs out loud, concerning Charmy.

"Are you okay?"

"Yeah, sorry. It's just, um. Why now?"

"Why not?"

"Fair enough. It's just that they're very busy. I don't know when they would possibly be free. Let alone to meet you."

"Well just tell me when and I'll go"

"If you're sure..."

"Yeah, I am"

So Tails calls her parents. Turns out they are not that busy over there. Lucky Tails. It's not like her parents aren't supportive or hate her or were abusive. They are very nice. It's just that they are... how does Tails phrase this? Too passionate? Over supportive? They were a lot for her. Bragging to all the other parents made them expect more from them, which led Tails to be bullied by those kids. Tails knows it isn't their fault but there is still pain there. But for Charmy, why not?

"I'm so happy that you decided to take me to your parents!"


Tails and Charmy go up to Tails' parents house and ring the doorbell. The door after a bit answers Tails' parents.

"Tails! Honey! Welcome!"

"Hey Mom and Dad."

"Also welcome, um, was Charmy your name?"

"Yes, nice to meet you!" Charmy extends his hand to the two who shake his hand and guide him and Tails in.

"Thank you for your hospitality, Mr and Mrs. Prower"

"Oh, please call us Rosemary and Amadeus, that's our names after all!" Rosemary says to Charmy. He looks at Tails who grimaces. They sit down where dinner is already set for all of them.
They eat dinner and make small talk around the table to each other. That is until Rosemary has to say something.

"So, Tails. Why don't you visit anymore?"

"...Oh, um. Just busy Mom."

".....Why are you always so busy M-Tails?" Oh great, the slip up with the dead name. Tails ignores it.

"Mom, I'm just busy."

"...M-" she cuts herself off and goes into another room, Amadeus follows her. Tails and Charmy can hear crying. Tails tries to ignore it and keeps eating while Charmy is concerned.


"Yeah?" Tails says mumbling threw her meal.

"What was that?"


Charmy goes back to eating after that. They finish and wait. Nothing changes. Tails goes up to leave. Charmy tries to say goodbye to both of them. But they could only say bye to Amadeus. They listened and could here crying in the room that Amadeus was guarding which was presumably Rosemary. Charmy leaves and goes with Tails back home.

At least they knows now why Tails was so conflicted about them meeting her parents. They will never ask again.

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