Sonic x Sally

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Sonic was someone Sally could always depend on, no matter what. Even if he was a bit haphazard. It was their friendship that brought them closer together. Now Sally wanted it to be even closer. She was going to confess her feelings towards Sonic. Sally was nervous, obviously. But that's normal for this type of situation.

Sally goes to talk with Sonic. She can trust him with problems usually and she finds him randomly like usual. Now the only change in the conversation from usual is that the subject is a problem with her and Sonic and not anyone else. Sally braces herself when the conversation goes to her. After Sonic, like usual talks about himself and how good he is.

"Sonic, I have something to confess."

"Lay it on me, Sal" Sonic says, Sally can't help but blush at the nickname.

"It appears I have caught feelings for you" Sally stumbles out

"...Sal, really?"

"I shouldn't have said that, should've I?" Sally says panicked

"No, it's fine! I'm not really good with sappy or romantic stuff but I kinda like you too"

"Oh, that's good to hear..."

The two sit there in silence for a bit letting their surroundings settle in

"So anything else you wanted to talk about?" Sonic asks

"CanIkissyou?" Sally sputters out, then Sonic laughs at her and then proceeds to grab her face and pull it towards his own

"Does this answer your question Sal?" Sonic says before kissing on her on the lips, which Sally happily reciprocates.

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