Amy x Sticks

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"How are you so Pretty?"


"How do you do it? You have no makeup or anything on, yet you still look so pretty. I need at least a bit of makeup to look good"

"You think I look... pretty?"

"Yeah... You're extremely pretty, you already probably know that, right?"

" nobody has ever said that to me before"
"Oh, well. Your very pretty"

"... are you being brainwashed or something Amy?"

"Sticks all I said was that you're pretty"

"ALIENS YOU BETTER LET MY FRIEND GO" Sicks screams from the place her and Amy are sitting at


"Amy, are you still in there?" Sticks says shaking her


"I'll go get Sonic, maybe he can help!" Sticks says leaving Amy in the dust, very confused by the situation


"What is it now Sticks?"

"Aliens have gotten control of Amy!"

"...what makes you think that?"

"She called me pretty!"

" this point I can't even deal with this" Sonic walks away leaving Sticks confused and frustrated

"Well Sonic was no help. What do I do now?"


"Oh crap"

"Sticks where did you go?"

"Get away from me Alien Infected Amy!"

"Sticks I'm not being controlled by aliens"

"That's something someone who is being control by aliens would say!"

"Sticks is there any possible way I can prove I'm not an alien?"

"Pour this bucket of water on your head" Sticks says magically pulling out a bucket of water from thin air

"Aliens are weak to water"

"...fine" Amy says and pours the water on her head


"There, is that better Sticks?"

"How are you so Pretty?" Sticks says confusing Amy even more somehow and now she's wet

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