Vanilla x Vector

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                  "Are you sure Charmy won't be too much of a bother to you?" Vector asks, in a bit of a rush .

                  "Yes, I can assure you it is no trouble, dear." Vanilla kindly says.

                  "Alright, thank you so much, see you later" He waves to Charmy who waves back then gives Vanilla a kiss on the cheek. Then Vector leaves.

                  "Okay, Cream, you already know Charmy right?"


                  "Cream you've met Charmy before, haven't you?"

                  "Well I don't know too much about them besides they're your boyfriend's child."

                  "...Alright, how about you two play together? That'll help."

                  "Okay Mom, Charmy come on!"

                  "Give me a minute!"

                  The two kids eventually go outside and play together while Vanilla happily watches them from inside.

                  "They look like they're having fun." Vanilla says, then goes to the kitchen to prepare lunch for them.

                  The two kids continue to play then come inside and eat lunch then go back outside to repeat before dinner, eventually night comes and both of them go to sleep. Cream in her regular bed and Charmy on a air mattress. Eventually Vector come back.

                   "Sorry it took me so long, where are the kids?" Vector asks.

                  "Asleep." Vanilla says.

                  "...Thank you, so much. You have no idea what this mean to me."

                  "...No worries."

                  "I'm glad they can enjoy each other's company"

                  "Me too."

                  Vector leaves with Charmy in his arms, Charmy is still sleeping. Vanilla watches them leave out the window. Before going to check on Cream, who is still asleep and then Vanilla finally going to bed herself.

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