Silver x Espio

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              For a ninja, Espio was at times really bad at hiding his feelings. Especially for a specific hedgehog. Espio was however really good at disappearing. Too good sometimes. Obviously that would change as soon as Silver came close, making me blush a bright red that served as a beacon as to where he was.

              "There you are Espio!"

              "Y-yes. Hi Silver."

              "Can you help me with something?"


              "I need to find someone"


              "That the problem, I don't know who"

              "...Why do you need to find them?"

              "Can't say, top secret"

              "O-okay... fine"

              The two go looking around. Apparently Silver is looking for a ninja. Like Espio. Who is also Purple. Like Espio. Who is also a chameleon. Like Espio. They keep looking around with no luck. Eventually the two settle on a hill.

               "Espio, I haven't been entirely honest with you with this mission"

               "Yeah I know."

               "You do?"

               "You said that you couldn't tell me why we were doing it, unless you lied about that?"

               "...I did"

               "So why are we looking for this person?"

               "We already found him, well I did"

               "You have?"


               "Who is it?"



               "I wanted to spend time with you, I'm sorry if I interrupted or stopped you from doing anything, I know you're very busy"

               "You could've just asked."

               "...I could've?"

               "You're lucky I love you."

               "..... you love me?"

               Espio panicked and disappeared. Silver tried to find him, to no avail. Espio ran home from embarrassment.

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