Amy x Whisper

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Whisper was quiet, Amy was not. Whisper was contained, largely. Amy was outwards. Polar opposites. But they got along. They were both on the same side and both and relatively speaking, the same goals. But they didn't know when feelings came into the works.

Friendship, sure. That made sense. But romantic feelings, that made way less sense. People expected Amy to end up with Sonic or someone else and people expected Whisper to end up with Tangle. So when feelings seemed to blossom between the two. The others excused it as friends being friends.

Amy's obsessive nature was very obvious though. She wasn't the best at containing emotions, especially love. So when she started loving Whisper. It was extremely obvious. But people considered it adoration for the wolf and Whisper found it weirdly endearing.

Whisper was a lot more passive. Taking Amy's obsessiveness in stride. But also having her own feelings her the hedgehog, she blushed and talked even less than she already did to Amy but still spent a lot of time around her. Whatever time permitted them to be together. Both of them enjoy it to its fullest.

They both felt that the other sharing the feelings was impossible or borderline impossible. It didn't matter, it was a crush, right? A simple crush, a simple crush. That was all and that's all they ever expected it to be.

Until Amy got a bit too over her head and almost died. She had to be hospitalized and barely made it out alive. Surprisingly to all, Whisper seemed to be the most upset. Crying for the most and longest period of time. She shut herself away from everyone else, not being able to take the pain away.

Amy did survive and wake up though. Everyone thought it was a good idea for Whisper to be the first one to see her. So when Amy woke up, she was tested on and Whisper went in to see her. This surprised Amy, she didn't know Whisper cared so much about her.


*Hey* Whisper well whispered


*Why?* Whisper whispered with a tear in her eye, but Amy heard her clear as day.

"...I don't know..."

Whisper cried and hugged her, shocking Amy but she graciously accepted it, giving a singular kiss on the top of Whisper's head. Which shocked Whisper. Who looked at Amy who laughed and smiled. Whisper then took her by the head and kissed her back, onto Amy's lips, which surprised Amy once again, who then proceeded to laugh at the gesture.

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