Amy x Honey (Amy's POV)

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              The only person Amy was more of a fan for than Sonic was the one and only Honey the Cat. She was infatuated with the clothing designer. Honestly the only reason she chased Sonic around for so long was because of Honey's break she took. But now Amy was absolutely going to see her newest expo. You could say Amy was obsessed but that's her personality.

                She even got a backstage pass! She couldn't believe it! She was the most pumped for this more than anything else in the world! Amy cleared every single thing on her schedule that was possible. Amy was going to attend this .... and she did! Everything went smoothly.

                 She saw the entire show. If she was being honest she would describe it as breathtaking. But she settled on terrific to tell others. She felt inspired and in awe and that wasn't even the best part! She would get to see the real Honey The Cat in mere moments! Amy probably would've fainted if she wasn't so strong willed.

                 Finally, after everything else. It was time. She breathed and went backstage, showed her pass and security ushered her through. Now she would be able to meet Honey! She again probably would've passed out.

                 She gets into the room. Honey's dressing room. She braces herself and enters.

                  "Heyyyyyyy!" Honey says

                  Amy stands still unable to move

                  "Aren't you Amy Rose?"

                  "...You... know... me?"

                  "Yeah, of course. I mean I thought it was obvious. Who else could've inspired the Rose Collection?"

                  "... that was me?"

                  "Yeah! You have such a way with style!"

                  "Really? My sense of style was inspired by you!"

                  ".... REALLY?"


                  Honey then starts gushing about how everything she made was inspired by Amy and honestly Amy can't believe her! She feels so weird, her idol telling her that's she's her main inspiration? That's insane!

                   "...and that's why you're my muse"

                   "Wait, I'm your muse?"

                   "... I shouldn't have said that"

                   Honey proceeds to go into panic mode desperately begging Amy for forgiveness and to not think she's creepy. Amy is very confused and says.

                   "It's fine, honestly I like it"


                   Honey and Amy proceed to blush together.

                   "Oh well, would you look at the time!"

                   Amy gives a hum of agreement

                  "Um, well.... here's my number!"

                   Honey gives Amy the paper as Amy is confused by everything and she looks down and sees a number. Must be honey's! This went extremely well! Better than she could've ever hoped for! Guess she better make a call.

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