Tails x Charmy

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             "You actually like working on this stuff?" Charmy says fiddling with some tools.

             "Yeah it piques my interest. I just like mechanics and stuff like this." Tails says as she goes out from under the tornado and grabs another tool to use.

             "Fine, but are you ever going to stop working on that plane?"

             "Nope!" Tails says while still repairing the tornado or upgrading it or doing whatever else she can do with the plane.

             "You're an interesting girl"

             "That's why you love me."

             "Yeah..." Charmy says, deflated

             "Well, you're an interesting bee!" Tails says to pick up Charmy's spirit.

             "Thank you. So when are you going to stop working on this? For today"

             "Today, maybe in the late afternoon? You can leave to do something else if you want to. I know how easily bored you get."

             "Nope, I'd rather stay with you"

             "Suit yourself, I know you find this stuff boring."

             "I don't find you boring... Plus I find most things boring if they last too long"

             "Alright, but don't complain about how long it's taking"

             "I won't"



             Tails keeps working on the tornado while Charmy talks with her and keeps her company. Until the late afternoon.

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