Rouge x Wave

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            Rouge always knew she liked girls, So did Wave. Later in life Rouge found out she also liked boys, Wave didn't have a similar experience. Rouge found boundless things in love. Wave did not, at all, seemingly never. By the time the two were adults. Rouge had a prevalent love life, while Wave never had one. Wave honestly though she couldn't love. That was until she met Rouge.

            Their first few meetings were nothing special. Criminals get in each other's way all the time. Rouge seemed to flip flop between being good and being bad. Wave was constantly a thief. Rouge liked jewels too much to stop robbing people blind of them. Wave also liked doing that. It seemed the only two things they had in common was they were both girls and they both liked to rob people, preferably blind.

            But one day ended up being different, a lot different. They saw each other again and suddenly Wave felt herself absolutely in an emotional coma for the bat. Almost knocking herself off in the process, she labeled it as a mistake but then she couldn't get that bat out of her mind. Rouge's mind seemed to wander towards the bird too, with obvious less clear intentions.

             Another day the two met again, alone. Both of them went after something, both of them arrived and saw each other. They saw each other and smiled.

             "We can split it if we can work together." Wave suggested.

             "Sure, why not?"

             The two easily broke in, stole some stuff and triggered the alarm. Wave fell on her face due to the emotional (very gay) coma and Rouge picked her up, not leaving her behind. Which surprised Wave a lot but she didn't say anything. They ran until nothing could stop them.

             "So... Why did you save me back there?"

             "I wasn't going to leave such a pretty face like yours behind."

             "You... think... I'm pretty?"

             "Yeah, it seems you do too."

             Before Wave can even react, Rouge goes in and kisses her.

             "That was my first kiss." Wave says.

             "Well, sorry but it wasn't mine."

             "I can tell."

             "See you around, pretty bird." With that, Rouge flies off. Leaving Wave alone and very confused, and blushing a deep red.

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