Wave x Rouge

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                Dating apps weren't Wave's forte, she didn't have many experiences with them. Probably because she preferred using other methods. But nonetheless somehow she was finally convinced to use one of these apps to find someone. Wave bit the bullet and downloaded the app and made a profile. Maybe it wasn't the smartest thing for a criminal to do, but Wave didn't care too much. How much could the government look at dating apps anyways?

               She already hit a roadblock. Rouge the Bat, great... she just had to be recommended to her. Rouge was hot but also a competitor, Wave eventually confided into keeping her dating life separate from her work life, immediately to her shock, she matched with Rouge. Cautiously, she opened a chat with the other.

               Rouge: Hi

               Great, how could she respond to this?

               Wave: Hello.  


               Rouge: Well, hello there. So, when do you want to meet up?

               Wave: Whenevers good for you.

               Rouge and Wave made plans, set them and waited for the day. Eventually it came. Wave, was to say at the least, nervous. Unknown to her, Rouge was too.

               "What should I wear?"

               "Why are you asking me?" Shadow question sitting in a chair near Rouge.

               "You're my best friend, plus I know you know things about fashion."

               "Fine, the Black one looks good."

               "Thank you."

               The two arrive at what seems to be an upscale restaurant. Security is ironically tight. Wave seems a bit nervous about this, while Rouge seems relaxed about it. Wave arrives after Rouge who already has their table ready.

               "Sooooo, how are you, pretty birdy?" Rouge asks, making Wave blush.

               "Why did you pick the place with the most uptight security?"

               "Well because like probably you as well , I thought this might conflict with my job. So I'll make that not the case." Rouge says pulling out a lazer cutter. Which makes Wave smile.

               Before the two knew it, they ran out with a full course meal of stolen goods. Getting away from the cops laughing with each other. Finally they stop in their tracks.

               "Guess you proved your point."

               "Yeah..." Rouge turns to Wave and gives her a kiss on her beak.

               "Let's do it again sometime." Rouge says with a smile.


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